His Starvation

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(A/N: this is probably not gonna be very good since I have no idea how to write this correctly, this stuff's coming straight from my head, so of course it'll suck. But anyways, enjoy!)

Mario: I could go for some Calamari right now! =D

Mario: But first, I have to change my clothing. The warning on TV knows who I am, and I'll never get by them like this.
Luckily, there's an abandoned clothes shop behind me. It was abandoned during the massacre.

Mario went inside the clothes shop.

When he came out, he was now wearing a dark green hoodie with black jeans and black, white, and green shoes.
To hide the obvious face features, he had a black motorcycle mask with blue motorcycle goggles, to cover the whole face. He still had his original clothes under his new clothes, since he didn't want to get rid of them.

Mario: There! Now I'm ready to devour them.

Mario walked toward the location where the Squid Sisters were hiding. He got up to the door and lightly knocked...

No answer.

He knocked louder...

Still nothing.

He banged on the door...

Not even a "who is it?".

Luckily, he had a key that could open anything.

He unlocked the door only to see...

Darkness. The lights were off.

Mario: looks like no one is home. Or maybe, they're in the basement. =)

Mario walks towards the basement door. And unlocks it.

He walks down into the darker basement.

As he walks down he finds the sight switch and turns it on.

He is blinded by the bright light, as his eyes were adjusted to the dark.

He then felt a kick to the stomach as he was launched to a wall.

He opened his now light-adjusted eyes to see...

Callie: Mario, I know it's you in that outfit.

Mario: Well, I assume you know what I'm here for.

Callie: To kill me?

Mario: No. To E A T you.

Callie: Eat me?

Mario: I never realized how delicious your kind looks, I've got an empty stomach and right now...
I'm in the mood for sushi. =)

Callie: Mario, please don't do this, we're your friends.

Mario: A true friend would support others when they lose in competitions that decides the fate of Inkopolis's future. A true friend would help them get past all the depression of being bullied.

Callie: Meggy was bullied for losi-


Callie: Meggy... killed herself...?

Mario: She did before I had the chance to tell her I had... feelings for her. But now she's gone, and she'll never hear the end of it.

Callie: I'm... so sorry.

Mario: ...

Callie: But why are you killing everyone?

Mario: To avenge her, by killing everyone that wasn't by her side.

Callie: But why me?

Mario: You and your delicious cousin were the ones who never supported her when she needed it the most. It looks like you were supporting Killer Ink more.

Callie: Because they won the splatfest.

Mario: And that's supposed to excuse you for the terrifying amount of blood that'll pour from your body when I'm done with you?

Callie: ...You betrayed us all, Mario.

Mario: Betrayal is my last resort, Callie. Now where's your cousin?

Callie: I won't tell you.

Mario: guess I'll have to do this then.

Mario pulls a knife out, and stabs Callie in the shomach.

Callie: NNGGHHH!

Callie tries to hold in her screams, because she doesn't like screaming.

Mario: TELL ME!

Callie: NEVER!

Mario pushed the knife deeper in her body.

Callie: AAACK!

Mario: The sooner you tell me, the less painful it'll be.

Callie: I... wi...ll ne..ver... reveal her location.

Mario: Fine.

Mario then cuts a large hole in Callie's stomach.

Callie couldn't hold in her screams anymore.


Mario: Last chance.

Callie: N...o...

Mario: Your funeral.

Mario reached for Callie's heart, and ripped it out.

Callie's Life Status: Ded lel.

Mario then ate the heart because he was a cannibal.

Mario: Eugh. Tastes raw, and slimy, and disgusting. But I do have an idea.

Mario pulled out a grill from his ass where he keeps his inventory and then grilled Callie's body. With her organs still inside.

After the food was done, he added a bit of salt and pepper, then shredded through his dinner.

After he has done, he could only say one thing.

Mario: Delicious.

Mario then exited the building.

Mario: I have a good feeling on where Marie is.

Octo Canyon.

(Laziness has overcome me again, next ones called His Bad Time, where he'll be having a Bad Time.)

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