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 "Master Ethan, the room just next to your brother's is available," Arthur turned to look at the two boys walking behind him, "There is an adjoining door, if that will be suitable."

"That's great, Arthur." Ethan said.

The butler stopped in front of the doorway, his hand extending an invitation into the room.

"Oh, this will be awesome!" Jack dashed through the opening to his own room, then turning to the left, grabbed hold of the brass doorknob on the door in that wall, and opened. "I've been wondering where this door led!" He met Ethan's gaze as he stepped through into Ethan's bedroom. "This is perfect! Thanks, Arty!" He looked toward the butler, who was standing in Ethan's doorway.

"Unusual that you don't have any clothing or personal items with you, Master Ethan. Let's get you settled for the evening and we can plan a shopping trip into town for tomorrow morning."

The butler looked questioningly in Ethan's direction.

"That's fine, I'm not worried about it." Ethan turned to face Jack, "I want to see that portrait of our grandmother. Where is it?"

"Oh, yeah!" Jack looked at Arthur. "Would you mind if I show Ethan around a bit, Arty?"

Bill's face appeared behind the butler.

"Yeah! That's a great story, Ethan! We'll have to fill you in on the details!" Bart burst through the doorway behind Jack.

"Of course, Master Jack. It has been an eventful evening and it is rather late. What say we head down to the kitchens for a snack before bed. Master Ethan can view the painting on the way, and then it might be best to give him the tour tomorrow." Arthur looked in Jack's direction with an eyebrow raised.

"Right. Good thinking." Jack grabbed Ethan by the arm and they all headed out into the hallway, toward the main staircase.


"I'm stuffed," Bart said as the three boys turned the corner from the sitting room to view the wide, open staircase leading to the upper levels of the home. The portrait of Lydia Mac Paidin was immediately visible on the wall to the left.

"Me, too," Jack grabbed his stomach and groaned.

Ethan strode across the foyer and stopped, looking up at the portrait.

"I still can't believe she's been missing for 24 years, but is somehow contacting you through that strange telescope," he turned to look at Jack.

"I know, pretty wild, huh?" Jack shook his head back and forth.

"I'd love to see you do that," Ethan looked down at his brother, an eyebrow raised, "you know, use the telescope."

Bill glanced at Arthur, and they exchanged a worried look, as the two of them came to a stop behind the boys.

"I think it's time we called it a night," Bill said, placing a hand on Jack's shoulder and nudging him toward the staircase. "There will be plenty of time for that in the days ahead.

"Yes, boys, it's been a tiring evening. Let's settle in for the night. More excitement will wait for the morning." Arthur said and, shaking their heads in agreement, they all began their ascent up the stairs.

Arriving just outside their bedrooms in the upper hallway of the mansion, Jack turned to Ethan -

"You're going to love that bed! The sheets smell amazing!" He said and they both grinned and turned into their rooms, shutting the doors behind them.

Jack quickly changed out of his street-clothes into his pajamas, and was heading for his bed when he realized:

I'm not even tired! I'm actually pretty charged up right now! I mean...I haven't seen Ethan for 9 years. And right now, he is just on the other side of that wall! What am I thinking?

He turned away from his bed and dashed to the connecting door between their two rooms. Opening it, Jack barged energetically into his brother's bedroom.

"Hey Ethan! I'm not even sleepy" -

Ethan stood shirtless, his muscular back toward Jack, but he spun around abruptly when he heard his little brother's voice.

Jack's mouth dropped open, his eyes were wide, and his brows shot up high on his forehead.

There, in the middle of Ethan's chest, suspended from a black leather cord, was a large, glowing pendant. The stone was a vibrant shade of sapphire blue and it pulsated with a cool light from within. The bauble held Jack's attention for only a moment because just as he was staring at it, from the corner of his eye, he was distracted by something else materializing behind Ethan. A large, shimmering oval appeared and was suspended there in mid-air.

"What the?" Jack stopped, frozen in his tracks.

"You little rat! You really screwed things up!" Ethan hissed. His eyes were wild and shot around the room quickly, as if searching for something. "Guess they'll just have to figure it out," he said, throwing his hands in the air. Before Jack had time to process what was happening, Ethan lunged forward and grabbed hold of Jack by the arm. He turned him forcefully around and dragged him, kicking and screaming, into the portal.

The Kidnapping KingWhere stories live. Discover now