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 "A Traveler?" Jack glared at Bunko Kelly, "what does that even mean? I need answers."

"I know you do." Lydia pushed herself up off the bed and smoothed her floor-length red skirt down into place. "But I think it's best if this discussion remains between the three of us, for now, don't you agree?" Lydia looked at Joe, then to Sam hovering next to him.

"No way!" Sam burst forward, hands on her hips. "I deserve to know what's going on here. After all, this involves me, too!" Her blue eyes shone brilliant, like sunshine bouncing off a frozen lake.

Bunko and Lydia both gazed silently at her.

"I think she should stay," Jack began, "I could be wrong, but I'm guessing that ring," he pointed to Joe's hand, "is connected to her somehow," he glanced at Samantha, raising both eyebrows high on his forehead. "It looks just like the one my Uncle Earl wears on his ring finger to track me 24/7."He shot a piercing look at Bunko Kelly. "Am I wrong?"

Sam nodded her head aggressively, pursing her lips, and glancing nervously from Joe's hand to his face, then to Lydia, and back to Jack.

"No, you're not wrong, Jack," Bunko murmured. "I think Sam's right, she does deserve to hear the whole story." He paused, staring at Lydia for a long moment before continuing. "Every bit as much as Jack does."

All eyes turned to Lydia and she stood, staring down at her hands for a long moment before taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly.

"Yes, I suppose it's time." Lydia reached out and touched Joe on the shoulder, nodding toward the doorway. "Someplace private, we don't want prying eyes or ears."

"My ship," Bunko flatly stated. "It's the only place where we can completely control our environment."

"I do think that sounds best. Sam, please tell Bothi we will be needing a carriage. And let Khasan know we will be back in time for dinner." Lydia turned to Jack, "You've waited this long. I need you to be patient a little while longer." She turned and walked to the bedside table behind her, bending over to pick up the golden telescope.

"We'll want this," she walked to the mahogany wardrobe on the far wall and opened the ornately carved door, revealing drawers on the left side, and several long dresses in a vibrant bouquet of colors hanging on the right. Pulling out one of the side drawers, she moved items around, and locating what she was looking for, pulled out a large, brown leather handbag and tucked the scope inside. Then, closing the door, she turned to join the others.

"There, that's better. Now we can go." She laid her hand between Jack's shoulder blades, prompting him to move toward the door.

Sam dashed off to make arrangements while the other three exited Lydia's bed chamber. Passing through the wide-open hallway, there were more exotic, carved wall-hangings and multi-colored tile mosaics lining both sides of the corridor. Turning the corner, to the right, Jack could see an open, double-doorway leading out to the front drive. Once outside the three of them stood beneath a canopy, awaiting their driver.

"All set!" Sam bounced to a stop next to Lydia, looping her hand through the lady's arm, as a glossy, open carriage pulled up in front of them. Their ride was drawn by two dark horses with a driver perched up top dressed in orange and white finery. He was loosely holding the reigns in his hands.

"Where to, my Lady?" The driver looked at Lydia.

"Take us to the harbor, my man!" Bunko called out as he bent over, kicking a wooden step-stool into place. He took hold of the door handle, pulling it opening, then stood aside waiting for each passenger to enter. Lydia was first, and Joe held out his hand to help her into the carriage. Next came Sam, who climbed in, taking a seat next to the lady. She was followed by Jack, who looked around, eyes squinting, and lips pursed as he grabbed hold of the door. Stepping onto the stool, he hefted himself into the unfamiliar vehicle, landing, clumsily, next to Samantha.

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