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 Bill pressed a button on his phone then stuffed it into his pants pocket.

"My parents have organized a gathering with several of the leaders in The Order of Light to help us formulate a plan of action, where Jack and Ethan are concerned. They will be hosting the meeting at their home this evening and would like us to join them for dinner, before hand." Bill looked at Arthur, then Bart. "This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to finally meet your grandparents and other family members in person, Son."

"That sounds great, Dad." Bart turned to head down the stairs to his bedroom. "I'll grab a shower and change clothes," he said over his shoulder.

Bill and Arthur watched the boy leave, then Bill turned to the butler,

"My father said they will make sure Clara is in attendance, in case we want to ask her any questions."

Arthur nodded his head and pressed his lips together, deep in thought.

"If anyone has information about where Inez is holding those boys, it will be her." Arthur said, pressing the display screen on the globe down into place before strolling toward the staircase. Bill followed, switching off the light on the wall before they headed down.

"It will be nice to see your parents again, after all these years." Arthur said, as they parted in the upper hallway.

"Let's plan to leave in an hour, Arthur. I'll drive." Bill trailed off and the butler raised his hand, nodding his head in agreement.


A shimmering portal materialized in the upper room, hovering in mid-air, as Inez and Ethan strolled through and into a pitch dark room. The vibrant sapphire blue pendant, suspended from a cord around Ethan's neck, was pulsating with light from within.

Ethan lost his footing and stumbled as they entered, Inez quickly grabbing his arm to steady him.

"Shhh!" She hissed under her breath. "We don't want them to hear us!"

They stood still for a moment, waiting for their eyes to adjust to the unlit space, before carefully making their way to the small staircase leading down to the the upper hallway.

"You go first," Inez whispered. And Ethan quietly walked ahead of her then turned the brass knob on the walnut door and peeked out.

"All clear," he said, and Inez followed him out and into the brightly lit hallway.

"We'll wait for Victor and Phinneas downstairs before we make our way down," Inez said in a hushed tone.

"I don't hear any voices," Ethan whispered." They must be in the dining room or something." Ethan looked at Inez with a crease between his eyes.

The two of them moved stealthily toward the massive main staircase when they stopped abruptly.

"Wait," Inez put her hand on Ethan's shoulder, cocking her head to the side and listening, "I heard movement."

They crouched silently, detecting doors opening, then closing, and footsteps heavy on the hard tile floor below. When no voices were audible, Inez signaled to Ethan to move forward.

Quietly making their way down the large, open staircase, and around the corner, Ethan gasped when confronted by Victor, carrying a handgun.

"Oh, my gosh!" Ethan exclaimed, under his breath, throwing his hand in the air.

Inez poked her head around Ethan and was faced with Phinneas, who was also holding a semi-automatic up in front of his nose.

Rolling her eyes in exasperation, she motioned with her hand for him to lower the gun. Then, looking him in the eye, she placed her right index finger to her ear and raised her eyebrows, questioningly.

Phinneas shook his head no in response. Inez nodded and motioned with her hand to move back toward the front of the house and into the library, where they met Victor, exiting the dining and sitting areas. He was also shaking his head to suggest there was no one in that part of the house.

The four of them stood in the foyer, looking at one another. Inez had a deep crease on her forehead.

"It looks like no one is home." She kept her voice low, but no longer a whisper.

"Astonishing," Victor replied.

"Cool, lets start looking." Ethan said, and they all relaxed, Phinneas and Victor lowering their firearms to their sides.

"Do you have any idea where it might be?" Inez looked at Ethan.

"I know Bill was keeping it in his possession." He said. "His room is this way." Ethan turned and dashed back up the stairs, the others following behind him.

Once in Bill's bedroom the four of them began going through things, opening dresser drawers and closet doors.

"Here!" Ethan exclaimed. "Found his suitcase." The other three joined him to look on as Ethan pulled a dark brown fabric, suitcase from the walk-in closet and moved to the bed, dropping the case on it's side. He unzipped the top section, lifting the cover to expose several neatly folded shirts. Looking at Inez with a sparkle in his eye, he pulled the clothing aside, and underneath he discovered an ancient looking, leather-bound book with ragged, parchment pages hanging out. And next to it lay a shiny, golden telescope engraved with lots of unusual-looking symbols. "Jackpot!" Ethan exclaimed, lifting the scope out of the case and holding it up for all to see.

"Fabulous," Inez exclaimed, grabbing the telescope from the boy. "Let's get out of here before they return home," and she turned for the door.

"What about the book?" Ethan asked, before closing the case.

"Leave it." Inez said, heading for the upper observation room.

The Kidnapping KingWhere stories live. Discover now