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 "Hey, Lady, come on, let us out." The voice was muffled, but insistent and it roused Lydia out of her reminiscing. She shook her head, turning away from the sea, to gaze across the ship's deck at the opening of the prisoner's hold. Dirty, scabbed fingers were grasping at the bars as the pleas were emanating from it's depths.

Sam made a wide berth, skirting around the opening, as she came to stand next to Lydia. "I hate listening to them," she said, placing her hands over her ears.

"Well, it is their ship," Lydia began, "we can't really blame them for complaining...even though they are quite the frightening lot." She looked down at the girl, who was scrunching her nose up and squeezing her eyes shut tightly.

"Still, I'm tired of their nasty slurs every time we come up on deck. It's disgusting." Sam stomped her foot, "I wish they would just shut up!"

Lydia tipped her head to the side, a small grin forming at the corners of her mouth. "Well, you could do something about that, if you really wanted to, you know?" She winked at Sam and the girl opened her eyes and bit her lip.

"I don't know..." she said, "it doesn't seem right."

Lydia pursed her lips "It's your choice...but you do need practice and it really wouldn't hurt anything." She urged.

"Girlie, hey, you! Yeah, you! Come on over here and lift that latch. I promise, I'll make it worth your while."

Sam looked up at Lydia, then turned and slowly walked to where the voice was coming from. "Are you talking to me?" she asked, gazing down into a grizzled face, beady dark eyes peering up at her.

"Yeah, that's it, just lift that there latch and set us free," his mouth was filled to overflowing with brown-stained, crooked teeth and Sam could smell the stench of sweat and feces arising from the depths of the hold.

Lifting her hands in the man's direction, Sam uttered a command and a burst of orange and gold sparks emerged from her fingertips, and immediately his voice was silenced. The pirate covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes wild, brows high on his forehead. Sam watched as he repeatedly opened and closed his mouth, shaking his head back and forth as though trying to get water out of his ears.

Turning and walking again to stand by Lydia, she grinned just a little. "That is better. It won't be long now till we disembark, anyhow, and not having to listen to him for even that short time will be a blessing."

"What kind of mischief are you girls up to?" A deep, British voice asked from behind them.

Lydia and Sam spun around to face Joseph 'Bunko' Kelly, eying them with a twinkle in his hazel eyes.

"Oh! Uncle Joe!" The girl wrapped her arms around his thick waist and hugged him tightly. Grabbing hold of both shoulders with his big, hairy hands, Bunko gently pushed her away and held her at arms length, staring into her sky blue eyes. "Samantha Joe Kelly," he began, "are you playing tricks on our guests?" He asked and stood silent, watching her.

"Uhh..I..." Sam started.

"It was my fault," Lydia interjected. "I encouraged her. After all, she does need to practice...and those men are awfully obnoxious. Just listen," and she paused, cocking her head to one side, "isn't that such an improvement?" She looked down at Sam and they both began to giggle uncontrollably.

"Yes, alright, it is much nicer not having to listen to their shouting and complaining," Bunko began, "but you must reverse that spell when we put down anchor," he glanced sideways at his niece. "Can't leave them mute, after all."

"Deal," Samantha stuck her hand out and Bunko shook it in agreement.

"Now wander off, lassie. I need to speak with the lady here for a moment." And he waved at her with the back of his hand. He watched until Sam was out of earshot. Then looked at Lydia.

"Once we disembark and get settled into our lodgings, I'll reach out to my contacts to see if we can get some help with your situation." He said. Lydia nodded her head and smiled, her eyes soft and warm with appreciation.

The Kidnapping KingWhere stories live. Discover now