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 "I'm afraid Ms. Mac Paidin knows more than she's saying," Arthur said as he turned the the lock on the massive wrought iron and glass front door and swung it open, stepping to the side so that Bill and Bart could pass by.

"You're right, Arty, it was written all over her face," Bill agreed, pulling off an army green rain jacket and placing it in the butler's outstretched arms.

"I'd like to know how we're going to find Jack now that she's refusing to reveal the address where her sister is holding them? She's a two-faced witch, if you ask me." Bart removed his rain-soaked Oregon Ducks ball cap and wiped his forehead on the back of his sleeve before staring expectantly at the two men.

"That's going to be a trick," Bill began, shaking his head. "I'm disappointed in her. She made it clear that she wanted to be an ally in exchange for protection."

"Yeah, that didn't work out so great." Bart interjected.

Bill scrunched his face and rolled his eyes. "True. But from the looks of it, she hasn't received what I would call protection." He exhaled loudly. "So, I guess her lack of trust is somewhat understandable." Bill closed his eyes and scratched the top of his head. "It's been a very long and tiring day. And since there's nothing more we can do tonight, I suggest we all get some good sleep and I'll investigate some more first thing in the morning." He walked across the foyer and stood at the bottom of the large open staircase, waiting.

Bart shrugged his shoulders, waving the ball cap back and forth to dry it. Pursing his lips and rolling his eyes, he strolled across the foyer, kicking at the marble tiles with his red Converse high-tops, as he walked.

"Night, Arty" Bart mumbled as he joined his father.

"Excellent idea, Master Flanagan. Good night, Bart." Arthur watched as his two house guests ascended the stairs before turning to retire to his quarters.

Once upstairs, Bart opened the door to his bedroom and gazed in at the elegant furnishings, then, turning back to the hallway, he left his door ajar and slowly strolled down the corridor, coming to a stop before Jack's room. Grasping the ornately carved brass knob, he twisted and pushed the door open. There, across the room, in a neatly folded stack on the end of the bed, were the clothes his friend had been wearing the last time he saw him. Bart walked across the room and slumped down on the bed next to them. Glancing behind him, he saw Jack's ever-present inhaler perched on the bedside table.

"Oh, man...where are you, Jack?" He whispered, under his breath, and shook his head.

Turning back around, his eyes came to a stop at the adjoining door to Ethan's bedroom. Squinting and pulling his mouth to the side, Bart got up and went to it, opening to view the now-neatly made bed. Stepping just inside the room, he stood, staring at the space, then crossed to stand at the foot of Ethan's bed. Gazing back toward the doorway leading back to Jack's room, he glanced down, then dropped to his hands and knees and cocked his head to peer under.

"How very convenient." A familiar female voice uttered behind him and Bart jumped up to find Inez and Ethan standing behind him inside of a shimmering portal hovering there in mid air.

"What the??" Bart began, but Inez was too quick, and without even a step, she reached out, grabbing Bart by the arm, and pulled him forcefully into the portal.

"DAD!!!" Bart screamed as he was sucked into the blinding light.

Moments later the three of them materialized into the large conference room on the upper floor of the Mac Paidin sister's Oestermalm home.

Bart tripped on the carpet and flew across the enormous ebony table, grasping for the edge to stop himself.

"Whoa!" He shouted, gazing up in confusion.

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