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 "That boy has probably had enough time in isolation now to temper his attitude a bit, don't you think?" Inez raised a gilded porcelain cup to her lips and took a careful sip of the steaming brew as she glanced across the breakfast table toward her nephew.

Ethan's dark hair hung in damp curls around his cheeks and he shook his head to get it out of his eyes. "I would think so," he crunched his brows together and pursed his lips, nodding in agreement.

Inez lifted a brass bell from the table-top and rung it briefly. Within moments Flammel appeared through the doorway.

"Yes, Madam?"

"Send for Ivan and have him escort our guest to me. And set another place at the table. I'm sure the boy will be plenty hungry by now," she dipped her chin to Ethan.

"Right away, Madam," the butler turned and exited the room.

"Well, now, perhaps we will finally learn more about those messages Jack has been receiving from your grandparents."

"Here's hoping," Ethan began, "I'll bet you scared the wits out of him, leaving him down there, alone, in that cold, dark jail cell all night." He smirked at his aunt.

Inez shrugged her left shoulder and tipped her chin away from him. "No harm done. He needs to learn some manners, and time alone gives him the opportunity to think about his situation." She blinked and rolled her eyes as the butler once again appeared in the doorway.

"Pardon, Madam..." he began, out of breath.

"Yes? What is it, Flammel? What's wrong?" Inez asked, an impatient edge in her tone.

"He's gone. The boy is no longer in his...room," the butler stammered over his choice of words.

"Gone? Don't be impudent. Where could he have possibly gone?" She stood and advanced toward her servant, who stepped quickly aside as she brushed past him.

"Where's Ivan?" She continued down the upper hallway, not waiting for his response. Ethan pushed past Flammel and rushed to catch up with his aunt.

"He stayed in the lower level, searching for clues, Madam."

"Activate the security system at once! The boy can't have gone far," she loudly commanded as she descended the main staircase.

"Yes, Madam. Right away." The butler stopped in the foyer, by the main entrance, and began pressing buttons on a security panel. After a shrill BEEP, BEEP, BEEP confirmed the building had been secured, and all entrances were locked, Flammel followed Inez and Ethan down the smaller staircase. This corridor led to the lower level, then ultimately, to the basement of the house. There he rejoined the two, who were standing next to Ivan, staring blankly at the interior of Bart's previously occupied cell.

"Well??" Inez shrieked, "what have you discovered?" Inez was glaring at the large, muscled man.

"There is no indication of a break-in or break-out, Madam. The door was securely locked when I arrived and there is nothing to suggest any kind of struggle or escape," he glanced down at his employer, stroking his shiny bald head.

"Magic?" Ethan interjected, "I know you've got protection spells surrounding this place...but what other explanation could there be?"

Inez paced back and forth in the cold, gray cell, then turned to sit on the metal cot, placing her hand flat on the thin, striped mattress.

"Hmmm...good question, Nephew. Not my area of expertise, but..." she glanced up at Ethan, "YOU should be able to determine what happened here," she stood and walked to him, placing a bony hand on his shoulder.

The Kidnapping KingWhere stories live. Discover now