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 The meeting room was filled with lots of grown-up faces Bart didn't recognize. He nervously reached a hand up and shoved his sandy bangs out of his eyes. Pop wouldn't allow him to wear his favorite ball cap, so his hair was more difficult to manage than usual. And being compelled to keep his cell in his pocket gave him nothing to do with his hands. He shifted back and forth from one foot to the other, hovering close to his dad and the butler.

"Maybe Bart would prefer to spend the evening in the entertainment room," Grandmother Flanagan approached in a dark gray cardigan sweater and slacks. Her soft white hair was swept up in a French Twist and there were pearl and diamond earrings perched on her lobes.

Bart glanced up at Bill and crunched his eyebrows together, discretely shaking his head in disapproval.

"He's fine here with us, Mother," her son began, "Bart is an important part of this investigation." Bill finished and looked down at his son, who grinned back in gratitude.

Arthur stood in silence next to the boy and his dad as an older gentleman walked to the front of the room and raised his hand.

"If I could have your attention, please," Ardal Flanagan began in a thick Irish accent, "As ye know, my boy, William and grandson, Bart, have come to us from The States. They're requiring our help with a mystery concerning the whereabouts of their dear friend, young Master Jack Mac Paidin," he paused, glancing across the faces of those assembled. "Now, as yer aware, young Master Jack is the grandson of our beloved Sir Edward and Lady Lydia Mac Paidin...esteemed members of this noble Order. It is our duty, then, to assist these boys in their objective to get to the bottom of this situation and find their friend." He finished and turned to the left, where he nodded to a muscled younger man posted there. The man nodded back and turned to leave before Ardal continued.

"As many of ye are also aware, Sir Edward and Lady Lydia's only son, Roswell, and his young wife, Faith, tragically died in an automobile collision some nine years ago in Portland, Oregon, USA," he paused as murmurs spread throughout the room. "Now, what many of ye do not know, and what Sir Edward shared with me privately prior to his demise eight years ago, is that Ross and Faith's death was not an accident." He paused for emphasis. "And even more horrific is the knowledge that it was Edward and Lydia's daughters, Inez and Clara, who arranged for the murder of their little brother, Roswell, who is Master Jack's father." Shocked gasps erupted all across the meeting space. Ardal raised his right index finger in the air and increased the volume of his voice.

"Other relevant details we know, thus far," the room quietened and he lowered his voice in response, "are that it is the older daughter, Inez, who is responsible for Sir Edward's capture and disappearance eight years ago, as well as the more recent development..." he glanced toward the doorway to his left again where the younger man had reappeared, "when just two nights ago, Inez, Clara, and young Master Jack's older brother, Ethan appeared through a portal at Mac Paidin Manor in an attempt to abduct the boy and take him away with them." He finished as chatter broke out among the guests. Putting his hand into the air again, he continued, "Please, please everyone, quiet. There is more," he waited until the conversation had died down again, "What we thought was good news is that Ethan, who has been living with his aunts for several years now and was presumed to have joined their dark endeavors, pushed Inez back through the portal, ripping the port-key pendant from her neck, thus preventing her from using it to return." Enthusiastic cheers broke out in the room, and once again Mr. Mac Paidin, Sr. had to raise his hand to quiet the group before continuing.

"The last bit we know is this...both Ethan and Clara were left behind at the manor. We have Clara held captive here...and we are about to bring her in for questioning," again, more discord in the room as he looked to the man standing in the doorway. Ardal held his hand in the air once more, this time signaling toward the man to wait a moment. "The final, very disturbing piece, however, is that last evening both young Jack and his brother, Ethan, went missing from Mac Paidin Manor. The clothing they had been wearing yesterday was left strewn across their bedrooms and their beds were left undisturbed. This leads us to believe they have been abducted."

Ardal looked again to the man standing at the ready to his left and waved him into the room.

"But as I said, we have Clara Mac Paidin here to answer for her sister's actions."

The man shoved Clara into the room, handcuffed, hair a mess, with mascara smeared down her cheeks.

And the room went silent.

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