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 Mayumi performed a front swing under tuck then dropped into a perfect dismount from the uneven bars.

"Woo hoo!" Sadie shouted from her position next to the other gymnasts standing by the bleachers. "You're definitely going to win State, girl! You're so much better than me," she said as she met her friend coming off the mats, and together they turned for the locker room.

"Don't be stupid." Mayumi raised her arms and pulled at the Scrunchy holding a mass of silky black hair on top of her head. The glossy locks dropped in one hefty swoosh, falling to just below her waist. She shook her head back and forth, massaging her scalp with her fingertips. "Your Def is untouchable. We both kick butt!" She turned to Sadie and put her hand up for a high five. Sadie slapped it with a thwack! and they burst into laughter.

"Skating tomorrow night? Everyone's going to be there," Sadie tugged at the tight-fitting, blue and red spandex unitard clinging to her waist then exerted more effort to successfully wiggle out of it.

"I don't know," Mayumi began, "my aunt and uncle are flying in from Tokyo this weekend and mom is getting a little freaky about making sure the house is ready for guests."

"What if I come over and help out so your chores are done in half the time? Think that will convince her?" Sadie begged. "Come on," she whined when Mayumi rolled her big, black eyes and tipped her head to the side, hair fanning out behind her, "I really want to go! And it won't be the same without you."

A small grin teased the corners of Mayumi's mouth, exposing barely visible ceramic braces crossing her front teeth.

"Well..." she started.

"Liam's going to be there!" Sadie said in a sing-song sort of voice. Her brows were high on her forehead and she pursed her pink lips, lifting her chin and batting her lashes repeatedly.

At this revelation Mayumi's eyes brightened and she giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. "Really?" She shifted her eyes back and forth several times then tapped her teeth with her index finger. "Ok! I'll ask! Maybe you could see if your aunt will let you spend the night? Mom always loves it when you come over."

"Deal!" The two girls grabbed their jackets and book bags, heading out of the locker room and into the hallway leading to the boys and girls gymnasiums.

Just then, the door to the boys locker room burst open and several boys piled out into the space, flooding the area with the stinky smell of sweaty clothes and musty shoes. Sadie and Mayumi crunched their eyebrows together simultaneously, shaking their heads vigorously back and forth, and covering their noses with their sleeves. "Eewww!!!" They shouted, laughing wildly and dashing out into the main corridor of the school.

"Oh my gosh! That was disgusting!" Sadie bent over, laughing, and grabbed her stomach.

"No kidding!" Mayumi put her hand on Sadie's back as they caught their breath.

"Ok, so, about tomorrow night," Mayumi resumed, "I'll check with Mom as soon as I get home and then text you to let you know for sure...but I bet she'll go for it. So, skating and a sleep over! Woo hoo"

"Awesome!" Sadie chimed in. "And some cleaning...but it will be so worth it!" They pushed both of the heavy metal and glass doors open at the same time and exited the building.

The sun was shining brightly outside, though it was chilly for a late October day in San Diego, and Sadie pulled her denim jacket more tightly around her. Taking the cement stairs two at a time, the girls dashed down to the wide-open boulevard leading to the parent pick-up area. She could already see Auntie Gen's charcoal gray Jaguar parked at the far end of the walkway and raised a hand to waive.

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