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 His arrival was less than gracious, landing on his backside behind the large ebony table, then skittering across the glossy wooden floor like a ballplayer sliding into home base. The flannel pajamas he wore polished a smooth path behind him until his foot slammed into the leg of a chair, which brought his momentum to a screeching halt.

Jack looked around, confused. The room was unfamiliar; there was nothing recognizable as he searched the space until his eyes came to rest upon his captor: Ethan.

"What have you done?" Jack closed his eyes and slowly shook his head back and forth. Then jumping to his feet, he dashed across the room to where his brother stood, staring down at him, with a sardonic smirk on his face.

Jack balled his hands into tight, little fists, and slammed them into Ethan's chest with all his might.

"Whoa there, little brother," Ethan said, grasping both of Jack's wrists and pulling them away from his body. "Do you really think you could take me like that? Seriously?" He shoved Jack away and looked down at him, his sapphire blue eyes sparkling. An amused grin was turning his mouth up at the corners.

"Seduced! Grandpa got that right!" Jack spat at him, enraged. "You are their little puppet!"

"Whatever you have to tell yourself, Jack." Ethan pushed his fingers through his black curls to get them out of his face. "Inez wants to see you."

Ethan grabbed Jack by the arm, pulling him toward the door.

"Get your freaking hands off of me!" Jack shouted, and he yanked away as hard as he could. But it was no use. Ethan was almost twice his size, in weight, and had several inches on him in height, as well.

Ethan stopped and stared down at him. "Look, we can do this one of two ways; you can either walk like a big boy, or I'll pick you up and carry you. Which is it going to be?"

Jack wiped his forehead with the other hand and stared directly into Ethan's eyes. He was seething. "Ugh!" He tried pulling away again with no luck. "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" He tried repeatedly, "Jerk!" He yelled.

And then it started. He couldn't breathe. His chest was tight, and his throat was constricting. He reached down for his pocket, and the realization struck, Oh, no. I don't have my inhaler. His eyes were wild, scanning the room. He started clawing at Ethan's chest.

"What is wrong with you?" Ethan asked, letting go of Jack's arm. His forehead was creased, and his lips were pressed together into a tight line.

"Inhaler. Asthma...can't breathe..." Jack gasped. "Get help!" He fell to his knees, placing his head between them.

Ethan ripped the door open and began yelling, "HELP! Someone help!" He dashed into the hallway and glanced around frantically, bending over the railing, he looked down on the main foyer. Flammel stepped out of the dining room and stared up at him.

"Master Ethan? What is it?"

"My brother. It's my brother, Jack. He's having a bad asthma attack. He doesn't have his inhaler. We need help. FAST!"

Flammel put his hand in the air, nodding in Ethan's direction. "Right away! I'm on it!" He pulled a cell phone from his jacket pocket and dialed a number then spoke briefly before looking back at Ethan.

"An ambulance is on the way." He said, dashing up the stairs to where Ethan was standing.

"What's going on?" Inez stepped out of her room at the far end of the upper hallway. "Ethan? When did you arrive?" She dashed down the hall to where he stood. "And why don't you have a shirt on?" She asked, eyes wide and eyebrows high on her forehead.

The Kidnapping KingWhere stories live. Discover now