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"'Further talk is pointless'? Indeed. I feel my brain rotting the longer I'm in the presence of you." One of the demons retorts.

"Let's show them the truth of the world." And with that, the two demons start charging together.

"Tanjiro! I'll take the right, you take the left!" I call out to Tanjiro before dashing off.

"Got it!"

"Hmph. Typical humans, splitting the work in half. Why pick one target, when you can pick both?"

"Would you shut up, already?!" I yell with an irksome look as he slashes one of the demons.

"Whoops.~" The demon he didn't target calls out playfully as it pulls its partner out of harm's way. The other demon rebounded off their partner to go in for a counter.

"What?!" How do you even do that? They're talking a lot of smack, but I guess they at least have some way to back it up! I don't think I can dodge this!

Fortunately, Tanjiro changes his angle of attack and causes the demon to stop its counter and back off.

"Thanks!" I quickly thank Tanjiro.

"Stay focused, Keijo!"

"Hmph." One of our enemies snorts before restarting the battle. Their attacks are decisive and fast, they have definitely fought quite a few battles together! Maybe even people stronger than us!

Their way of battling is too strange! It's like they know each other's moves before they even make it! Every time I thought I found an opening the other somehow stops my attack from landing. It's even the same with Tanjiro!

They quickly flit around the two of us with excellent footwork and even when bunched together instead of being an obstacle it's like the other one doesn't even exist! I would like to think Tanjiro and I work well as a team together, but this! This is on an entirely different level!

The two are also pressing our weakness in experience. The two of us have fought less than 5 genuine battles before! And I haven't fought together with Tanjiro at all! Even trying my best we still cause the occasional slip-up or inconvenience for the other.

"We were expecting the two of you to have died already. It's unfortunate if you believe this is us trying our best." One of the demons suddenly says before I feel something wrong.

Why is Tanjiro in front of my sword? Wasn't the demon just- Wait! Tanjiro's in front of my sword?!

I quickly divert my swing to the side and receive a blow wonkily. My arms are hurting from the force behind their nails.

"What? What was that?!" I question with a shaky breath.

I look at the demons that are regrouped and see one of them attack the other!

"Wha-" Before I can even process that information I feel a strange sensation and my arm moves on its own!

"Ack!" I feel a slight burn on my side was scratched by the demon's nails. I managed to divert most of the attack, but it was too sudden to avoid completely! Is that the two's blood demon art? Teleportation?

Wait. Were they teleporting with each other the whole time? They're identical so I wouldn't have been able to notice! They possess an impeccable amount of teamwork and are able to swap places with someone! There's no way Tanjiro and I are going to be able to win without changing something!

With the demons now incorporating forceful swaps between themselves and us two, we quickly fell into a very precarious and passive situation. Just what can I do? There must be something! I refuse to believe the two of them are 'perfect' at fighting alongside each other!

Wait, there's something strange going on...

Even in this hectic battlefield, my gut is telling me there is something off with their swapping. Look closely Keijo! Find the reason! If you've found something, you've got to hold onto it with everything you've got!

"Tanjiro! I got it! You might've noticed it too! That weird swapping... only one of them can do it!" That's the truth. I focused on the swaps with all of my might and I realized that only one of them was doing it. However, as gratifying as that revelation is... it's also terrifying.

What's the other one's blood demon art then? Or are they lulling us into a false sense of security by only having one of them use it? Just what is-

"Keijo!" Tanjiro calls out and shoves me out of the way of a surprise attack I was too caught up in my thinking to avoid.

"Keijo. You're thinking really hard, and I'm glad you are, but this fight is too intense to get caught up in it!"


"Just listen! This fight... to win this fight we need to have teamwork!" Tanjiro exclaims.

"I know that! But I've never fought with a partner before!" I complain.

"That's why we'll have to take a shortcut! Keijo, water breathing is meant to be flexible, so I want you to only focus on attacking! Don't worry about defending yourself or me! I'll stop it no matter what! Just make sure to attack like there's nothing else in the world!" Tanjiro explains.

"I..." I try to voice a complaint, but I realize that arguing isn't going to help. To win against these demons we'll have to take a page out of their book. I trust Tanjiro, so I'll just have to show it through my actions! "Alright! I'll do my job if you do yours!"

Following my word, I start using my Hamon much more actively. I was worried about Tanjiro getting affected by it earlier, but he said I could let loose! Every couple of steps I send out a spike to attack the demons, when I'm swapped I immediately turn to the one closest to me, and I focus on one like a moth to a flame!

I don't know what Tanjiro's doing as I'm developing a sort of tunnel vision, but whatever it is, it's working. I can feel it! The pressure laying on me has lessened immensely! However, even in this better situation, I can't help but feel stuck. We won't be losing any time soon, but I can't feel us winning, either.

And that's when it hits me. A bunch of images flash before my eyes. Every time I was swapped, I was looking into the demon's eyes!

"It's in the eyes, Tanjiro! They can only swap when they're looking into your eyes!"


Taisho Secrets:

Keijo: "I wonder how Speedwagon and Aunt Erina are doing."

Tanjiro: "Those are your relatives over in America, right?"

Keijo: "Right. I've only visited them a couple of times, but they're both very nice people. I especially liked Speedwagon's retelling of Jonathan's adventure. Speedwagon tended to explain things quite a lot though... even during a fight!"

Tanjiro: "Do you mind telling me about your grandpa one day? You seem to like him a lot."

Keijo: "I respect him, that's for sure. And I don't mind. Maybe after our own adventure is over. Hmm, now that I think about it. We both have JoJo as a nickname and we both have/had a quest to kill the undead that killed our parents. Talk about bizarre."

Tanjiro: "Yeah..."

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