Our Teamwork

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"Hmph! So what if you figured it out? You can't fight if you can't see anything." The demon is right, but that's not what matters right now. If they don't have the same blood demon art, then what is the other demon's? Or is it just some elaborate-

Calm down, Keijo. There's no need to start overthinking. Tanjiro's got me attacking since he trusts me. I don't have anything to back up this thought, but I feel the other demon's art isn't as troublesome. I'll trust in myself, and if I'm wrong... well, there isn't really anything else I could have done. Maybe the demon has already been using their ability. If it helped them attack they surely must've used it by now.

With the method of teleportation known, there must be a way, though. A way to corner that duo! If we can just get one. Just one! I know we'll be able to win, no questions asked! I'll need to somehow clue Tanjiro in without tipping that duo off. But how?

Come on Keijo, think! Tanjiro's smart! There must be something out there that only he could understand! Something entirely unique to Tanjiro! Shuffle through your memories and find what stands out the most!

'I've got it!'

I don't even look at Tanjiro as I set my plan into action. It'll be easier to strike the one that can't teleport! I quickly change my target over to the non-teleporting demon and press my attack. Tanjiro steps in and blocks a blow from him as I get ready to strike his neck! I try to avoid looking into the teleporter's eyes, but I still end up in a different position!

"The reflection on your blade. You really wanted to la-, huh?" The teleporting demon's smug explanation ended as its head fell to the floor.

Tanjiro had beheaded it moments after it swapped places with me.

"How did-" The beheaded demon begins a bewildered question, but I cut it off.

"String. I used string."


'I've got it!'

Something that I can use to notify Tanjiro. That wicked sense of smell he has. I thought back on our many talks and experiences together and I had thought up something. He was on numerous occasions able to sniff out the tiniest of threads. And he's even seen me use the silver ones to attack the hand demon back at the final selection.

He would definitely notice it. For Tanjiro, noticing it would be as simple as breathing is. Because it's just something natural for him. Like Hamon is for me. I'll never be able to understand how it feels, but I can trust how it works.

And so I quickly used some of my haori to leave an almost invisible mark on the ground.

"我" (Me)

I know it's cryptic, but it was the only way I can get the message across without getting found out. Tanjiro! You can figure my message out! I know you can!


The battle was almost too simple after we dispatched the first demon. The second one... I think it may have given up a little on the inside. I could tell once Tanjiro held its hand as it faded into ash.

Those two demons' values may have pissed me off a little bit on the inside, but seeing a scene like that makes me rethink everything all over again. It's so confusing to think about. Does Tanjiro feel this conflicted? It hurts my head trying to justify anything about the war between Demon Slayers and Demons.

Thus ends the hardest battle I've fought yet. Tanjiro and I had walked to an inn with thoughts crawling through our tired minds. I couldn't shake the regret that I hadn't learned more about those demons. Maybe then I wouldn't feel quite as empty after what should have been a happy victory.


We woke up early that same morning with the intent to finish our walk to Urokodaki's. Last night's thoughts were pushed to the back of my mind. I was going to meet my mentor after all, and I'm a bit embarrassed to say it, but he's like the grandpa I never had.

He's rough in all the right ways. It's kind of like sandpaper in a way. It just wouldn't be the same if that roughness wasn't there.

I'm letting my thoughts run rampant again. I decide to strike up a conversation with Tanjiro to busy my head.

"I'm glad you managed to catch my signal from earlier," I say calmly.

"? Oh, you mean during the fight. It was kind of strange at first, but I smelt such an immense faith coming from you, that it's almost like you told me what to do anyway!" Tanjiro smiles.

"Once again your nose astonishes me. I wasn't even intending for you to get the message that way!" I playfully exclaim.

"It doesn't matter how you got it across, Keijo. The fact that it reached me is all that counts. I'm happy that you thought of me so highly!" Tanjiro beams.

"It's only natural, right? When I'm around you, I just feel that if I try my best, something good is bound to happen."


Taisho Secrets:

Zenitsu: "It's time for a Taisho Secret!"

Keijo: "I feel like it's been a while since we've done an actual one of these."

Zenitsu: "That's your fault for making them all side stories!"

Keijo: "My bad."

Zenitsu: "Anyway, Keijo and I have something great in store!"

Keijo: "Yeah, after both of us made up I ended up having a fun idea. No spoilers though, Zenitsu!"

Zenitsu: "I won't tell anyone! Well, maybe except Nezuko. Teehee."

Keijo: "... and to think this is a guy who had a traumatic incident related to a woman."

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