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Tanjiro and I started our walk to the next mission. Our crows told us that we were going to be meeting the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku, to investigate some disappearances that were taking place on a train.

It's been a while since I've seen one of those. I think I remember having taken it a couple of times when I was younger to meet my grandma who was visiting. I wonder how Granny Erina is doing. Is she still grieving? I wonder if anyone had to stop her from speeding over here and slapping some sense into me.

She was a very spirited old lady based on my memories. I wouldn't be surprised if she was upset with my decision. I'm not worried, though, because, out of everyone, she must understand.

Alright, that's enough fantasizing. I should use this time to study up on my Hamon. I'm in a love-hate relationship with this book of mine. I appreciate the fact that it exists, but I'm honestly not even sure I've gotten any use out of it!

It's written so cryptically that I don't think I've learned anything from it! The stuff I could understand I either already knew or Mr. Urokodaki figured from his expertise in breathing exercises.

Phrases like, 'How do you make the most of little?' and, 'The heat in your veins is more than just fury.' mean nothing without context! The first one I understand because I know the facts behind it, but the last one doesn't make any sense to me! The book is just filled with complete nonsense like that! By the time I understand it, the book has already lost its use.

But I may be looking at this the wrong way. No matter how insane it is, and how decrepit this book may be, it's clearly written thoughtfully. The writing is intentional. I just need to find out the intentions behind it.

"You seem... distressed, Keijo." Tanjiro suddenly cuts into my thoughts.

"That's... not an incorrect way to put it."

"Do you mind explaining why? I have a feeling it's because of your book. It appears to be annoying to you." Tanjiro looks at me with eyes full of kindness.

"I'm just a bit confused. This book is the only answer to my questions, yet I can't understand a word of it." I sigh. I'm a little happy Tanjiro is interested. Maybe he can give me at least a hint about the purpose of this book.

"Hm... I do think I remember you complaining about that before." Tanjiro's eyes glaze over as looks back to the past.

"And I never got over those complaints. It's a bit maddening that the book doesn't say anything outright. It's all... it's a whole bunch of meaningful words that are meaningless!" I couldn't help but voice out my frustrations.

"I mean... I know there are reasons this book is written so unintelligibly. It's throwing these phrases in your head in the hopes that one day it'll just make sense. Couldn't they have used a more modern way of teaching? It's not like this is Confucianism."

"Confucianism? I'm sorry, but I haven't heard that term." Tanjiro was evidently confused by my nonsense.

"It's a form of philosophy in China. And the creator has made a lot of proverbs." I explained.

"Ah. You're pretty well-read, Keijo."

"With how much easier it has gotten to print books, I'm not surprised."

"Well, I hope you can understand your book someday!" Tanjiro cheers me on.


The two of us ran in a comfortable silence for a while before Tanjiro's nose suddenly twitched.

"Oh! I can smell Inosuke and Zenitsu! They aren't that far away from us!"

"It's good to know Inosuke didn't get lost somehow. I guess Zenitsu got Inosuke to hold off on eating his sparrow."

"Let's speed up and hurry. Maybe we can meet them before they make it to town!" Tanjiro simply ignored my subtle jabs at Inosuke. That made me smile a little.


"Tanjiro! Keijo! I'm so glad you're back! Inosuke has been terrible to me!" I should probably try to stop thinking before Zenitsu cries more.

"You were thinking I'm a serious crybaby, weren't you!? But I'm being serious! I refused to give him any of my riceballs and he chased me all the way here!"

"Hmph! Don't you know underlings are supposed to give their boss their food!?" I kind of missed the gruff voice of Inosuke. He gets under my skin a lot, but I guess that's his charm.

"Grahaha! Underlings one and three! Did you bring the great Inosuke any offerings?!" I guess I should play along. I should have a riceball or two left over.

"Here." Looks like Tanjiro had the same idea as we each gave Inosuke a riceball at the same time.

"See, Penetsu!?" Inosuke boasted at Zenitsu.

"Stop encouraging him!" It's nice to see the group back together. The time I spent away just made me appreciate this more.

"We should put our swords away before we enter town. It's kind of against the law to have one nowadays." I suggested as we were nearing our destination.

"You're right! I completely forgot! Thanks, Keijo!" Zenitsu and Tanjiro hurriedly stuffed their sheathed swords into their shirts.

"Hmph! Why should I care about what a bunch of weaklings want?!" I should have known Inosuke would've disagreed with me. You got this, Tanjiro!

"I'll give you another riceball if you hide your swords, Inosuke!" Inosuke snorts, but he doesn't yell at Tanjiro or anything. Looks like Tanjiro's offer worked.

And Inosuke hid his katanas in his pants. They are sticking out from his back.

I think Zenitsu and I both had to hold back a facepalm.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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