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Grassheart's POV:

"Son, we are so proud of you," a tall, 6'2 man said, his green eyes sparkling proudly as he handed me a million dollars, "Here. Spend it well."

"Good job, daughter," a 5'7 woman said, her golden blond hair glimmering as he handed a young woman with golden-blond hair a million dollars, "Get a job, make us proud!"

"I will, mummy!" the girl said happily, kissing the older woman's cheek, affection in her eyes.

I woke with a start. Bam! Bam! Bam! I looked out the window, and there, standing at the front step, were four people, dressed in pure black and masks. They held guns in their hands, and pointed them at the mansion.

"Mooooommmmmyyyyy!" my little sister, five-year-old Sunflower, wailed from her bedroom. I hurried out of my room and held my little sister in my arms. I ran downstairs to see my parents, Lilyheart and Moonpelt, armed with two swords, facing the masked people.

"Run, son!" Father ordered, "Run as far as you can, and never come back!"

"But Father, what about you?" I yelled.

"Don't worry about us," Mother said, quickly kissing my cheeks and Sunflower's forehead, "Take care of yourselves, son. I love you."

"No!" I wept, "I can't leave you!"

"Son! Please

I ran, just as I heard the sound of screaming, and the mansion collapsed, with my parents still inside.....

"I'm sorry, mother, father," I whispered, running with my little sister clutched in my arms, "I will protect Sunflower, no matter what it takes.

Then, I ran. The only thing I could hear was my sneakers pounding on the gravel, and my little sister's soft whimpering, as I ran far away as I could, away from the robbers, and the collapsed mansion.

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