Chapter 5

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Whitestorm's POV:

Ugh! Why can't I get her out of my mind? Her long golden hair, her mind eyes, her rosy lips. Uh.......

"Mr. Whitestorm!" I shot up in my seat when my Science teacher, Mr. Hailstar, yelled my name.

Sorry, sir," I apologized quickly.

"Detention, Mr. Whitestorm," Mr. Hailstar said, just as the bell rang.

After all the students left, since this was the last class, I slumped down in my seat.

"Son," Mr. Hailstar said, sitting down next to me, "You seem to be in a very distracted mood ever since Ms. Cinderheart held that party. Is there something you wish to tell me?"

I sighed, "I just can't get someone out of my mind! She's like a poison, but also a remedy."

Mr. Hailstar smiled slightly, "I have heard many boys speak of such, but they only want her for money. You are the first one to be sincere about it."

"Money?" I asked, confused.

Mr. Hailstar glanced around, "Ms. Sunflower's parents were rich, until they were assassinated. It was terrible. But Ms. Sunflower's brother, Mr. Grassheart, founded the PIOTAM and earned a lot of money to buy a mansion and servants to support himself, his sister, and his wife. It is predicted that after college, Ms. Sunflower will found a company of history, for her knowledge."

"But I've seen Sunflower practice piano in the music room," I said.

"Perhaps piano is a talent, but not her main goal," Mr. Hailstar replied, "Her Social Studies teacher, Ms. Amberstar, says that she spends extra hours in the library and in the social studies classroom."

"I mean, it's true she loves history," I admitted.

"Men want someone rich as their wife. Many are selfish because they want money for themselves. Some students here are like those men. They will eventually kill Ms. Sunflower to inherit her fortune. But people like you, Mr. Whitestorm, have a heart of gold, and love her simply because of her personality. So go, son, and win her," Mr. Hailstar urged.

"Thanks, Mr. Hailstar," I said.

"The Winter Dance is in a few weeks," Mr. Hailstar said, "There is a ring shop a few miles away. Get there tonight, buy her a ring, and propose tomorrow."

"Thanks," I said with an appreciated nod, before heading out into the bright afternoon sunshine.

I stepped onto my motorcycle, placed my helmet on my head, and sped off to the nearest ring store: Rings and Necklaces.

The next day......

I stood nervously in front of my mirror, adjusting the white tie on my shirt. My roommate, Fireheart, sat watching me, amusement glimmering in his eyes.

"If she rejects you, come get me," Fireheart advised.

"I doubt she'll be able to," I replied with a nervous laugh. I had asked Bluefur and Cinderheart to cage Sunflower in when I proposed, but I knew she still had the skills and bravery to say no.

I headed down to Sunflower's dorm, with Fireheart and Lionblaze trailing behind. Taking a deep breath, I knocked.

"Who is it?" Sunflower's voice called.

"Whitestorm," I replied, breathing, "Can I come in?"

"Hold on," was the reply. 

A few seconds later, Sunflower opened the door and gestured for me to come in. I stepped in, and was shocked by how neat it was, and was Sunflower was wearing.

The clothes:

(This person is one of my top 3 all time favorite singers: 孟佳 {meng jia})

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(This person is one of my top 3 all time favorite singers: 孟佳 {meng jia})

"Uh, hi?" Sunflower asked.

I hesitated, before getting down on one knee and presenting her with the ring (picture shown afterwards)

"Sunflower, I know that other boys love you just for your money, but I don't. I never knew you were rich until yesterday. I've loved you since the first time I saw you, so will you give me the greatest honor of my life and marry me when we are done with college?" I asked, bracing myself.

As I expected, she furrowed her brows suspiciously.

"All the other boys said the same thing," she replied, "Why is your proposal any different?"

"I can prove it! Feed me a truth potion or something, it's the truth!" I protested.

"We'll see about that," Sunflower disappeared into her bathroom, and reappeared a moment later with a bottle of blue liquid and a small plastic cup.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A truth potion," Sunflower replied, pouring a few drops into the cup and handed it to me, "Drink this, and we'll know the truth."

I nodded confidently, and took the potion, drinking it in one small gulp.

"So tell me, Whitestorm, why do you want to get engaged with me?" Sunflower asked.

The answer automatically escaped my mouth, "Because you're beautiful and kind and talented and you have a great personality."

The potion wore off after that, and Sunflower's eyes grew wide with amazement. She backed away slowly, her wavy hair plastered to her back.

"You don't love me just because I'm rich?" she whimpered quietly.

"I love you because you are you," I replied truthfully, "You can decline, but I ask you again: will you, Sunflower Storm, do me the honors of engagement and marrying me after college?" (I have no idea what boys' proposing words, because a) I am not a boy, and b) I haven't been proposed to yet, because hell, I'm way to f*cking young.)

"Y-yes," she whispered, throwing her arms around me and giving me a tight hug.

I smiled happily, and slid the ring onto her finger, kissing her cheek lightly.


The ring:

Description:Three-layer, rose-gold w/ sapphire

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Three-layer, rose-gold w/ sapphire.

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