Chapter 8

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Bluefur's POV:

The last few days have been amazing. Today is just a regular day though. With the Winter Dance coming up in two weeks, the wedding has been pushed to two days after the Dance. As everyone guessed, me and Fire went together, White and Silver went together, and Cindy and Lion went together.

"Good morning!" I said cheerily, waving at Sunflower, who was sitting up in bed, rubbing her eyes sleepily. She hadn't been sleeping well ever since we met him.

Me and Sunflower were walking in the halls, enjoying the quietness, when we suddenly bumped into a person

"Sorry," a tall male with brown hair said. I scowled at him.

"Name," I said, my voice filled with menace. (Okay, don't actually think of a name, but I can't give a spoiler so early in the book.)

"Bluefur," he nodded respectfully, before turning to Sunflower, "I'm Name. You look beautiful today, darling."
Sunflower, being the ace student, quickly figured out who and what they were.

"You're trying to steal me from Whitestorm," she hissed.

(In this, Sandstorm, Heathertail, and Oakheart all have girl/boyfriends already. Heather and Breeze, Sand and Brownpelt (my OC) and Oakheart and Petuniapetal (OC))

"I'm not doing such a thing!" Name said, reeling back, "But such a annoying boy like Whitestorm doesn't deserve a beautiful girl like you!"

That's when Sunflower lost it, and slapped Name harshly across the face.

"Don't speak s*it about Whitestorm," Sunflower warned, "Or I'll give you a permanent scar."

Flashback ended.

"Cindy told me that Sandstorm, Heathertail, and Oakheart used to be on his side," Sunflower said, as if she was reading my mind. We had met the three yesterday, and had become good friends, along with their girl/boyfriends. But Sunflower was still wary.

"Ever since they found their boy/girlfriends, they haven't been seducing our relationships," I pointed out.

"I guess," Sunflower said, rising from her bed and heading into the bathroom.

Sunny's POV:

I walked over to my closet and picked out a quick outfit, before heading into my bathroom.

My bathroom wasn't like any other bathrooms. To other people's eyes, it was a regular bathroom, with a toilet, a sink, and shower, etc, and yes, those things were all there, but in my view, it was my personal doorway to a secret room of mine. I entered the room through a secret door, and looked around. You see, I had a secret. I don't know if it's a bad or a good secret. I've had this secret ever since my parents died. Yes, I had a car and such, but when I finished college, everything would go upside down. I wasn't lying when I said I didn't want to get engaged. I had held it off, but White's proposal was so heart-warming. But now that I think about it.....I can't. This secret...I can't tell him. I just can't.

My secret room contained shelves of potions, books, and other......things. A large glass desk with a comfortable lion-skinned chair sat in the corner, filled with supplies. There was a large locked cupboard filled with weapons. Well, I've given you enough hints.

I decided I would go to the Winter Dance with Whitestorm, then break the news.

I sighed, I love you Whitestorm, but you can't bear the secret I have. I'm sorry.

What's the secret? Can you guess?

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