Chapter 10

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I originally planned to make 10 and 9 a combined chapter but my new energized brain decided otherwise,

White's POV:

"So, we'll try some peppersasuage pizza, with extra bacon," I said, "And two Pepsis, two Cokes, and a blueberry Fanta."

"Absolutely," the man said, walking out of the room.

A few minutes later, a short woman carried a tray of little appetizers; a few pieces of bread with butter, some fruit, and some carrots.

"Thanks," Fireheart said, shoving a carrot into his mouth and chewing it loudly.

"Fireheart, chew with your mouth closed!" Bluefur reprimanded, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend's stupidity.

"Sorry," he mumbled, and we all laughed.

I grabbed a piece of bread and expertly smoothed butter onto it, before taking a bite.

"So, how exactly do we transform the room?" Cindy asked, nibbling a strawberry.

"We have wallpaper, lights, decorations, sofas, tables, and fireplace equipment," Blue said while feeding a carrot to Fireheart, "I know how to put the wallpaper and lights on, Fire knows how to make a fire, and Cindy and White and Lion can place the tables, sofas and decorations."

"How long will it take?" Cindy challenged.

"Few hours," Blue replied, with a small "duh"

"Sirs and Madams, your pizza is ready," the man said as he entered, holding the drinks on a tray. Two ladies followed with a large platter of cheese pizza with some kind of brownish-reddish pepper-sausage thingy.

"What's the pepper-sausage thingy." Bluefur asked, pointing at the thingy.

"That is our traditional alastick topping," the man said, "It contains a mixture of pepperoni, sausage, chicken, cheese, and mushrooms."

With that, they left.

"Interesting," I said, taking a slice of pizza and bitting into it. My friends watched my reaction with anxious eyes. The flavorful flood of mushrooms, peppers, pepperoni, sausage, chicken, cheese, and even a little garlic wafted into my mouth.

"That is really good," I said.

After seeing my good reaction, my friends dug in. The girls and boys all had different reactions. Fireheart and Lionblaxe thought it was absolutely amazing and devoured theirs in two seconds. The girls thought it was good, but they didn't really like it.

"It's okay, I guess," Cinderheart said, taking a sip of her Coke.

"It's okay?!" Lionblaze asked, "It's splendid!"

After the meal, we headed back downstairs and exited the mall, getting back our bags on the way out. 

When we got back to school, we immediately went to Blue and Sunny's dorm and entered the hidden room.

"Let's start," I said, looking around the dingy room.

6 hours later....

After six long hours of  hard, long work, we were finished.

Turned into:

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Turned into:

Then, after we set thing up, Cindy and I headed upstairs to meet Sunny

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Then, after we set thing up, Cindy and I headed upstairs to meet Sunny. We got up just in time as the door unlocked, and Sunny entered the room, her hair sleek, her arms filled papers.

"Oh, hey guys," Sunny said with a sweet smile, "How can I help you?"

"Come WTH us," I said.

Sunny sighed, "I have homework."

"You'll be able to do homework in the place we're showing you," I said, and pulled you down the stairs with me.

" gosh," Sunny gasped, covering her mouth, "It's beautiful!"

"Hope you like it!" I cheered.

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