Chapter 1

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Sunflower's POV:

It's been thirteen years since my parents died, thirteen years since my brother ran away with me in his arms, thirteen years since the robbers broke our mansion.

My brother, twenty-three-year-old Grassheart, was a successful CEO of the Python Institute company of Technology and Mathematica. His wife's twenty-year-old Mothflower, was his deputy.

Today is my first day of college, my first day away from my comfortable mansion home that my brother bought. I'd always been homeschooled by hired teachers, who last year taught me of being in an actual school.

Good morning, Princess Sunflower! May the stars be with you for today!

I groaned and rubbed sleep from my emerald-green eyes. My main personal handmaiden, a tall, thin woman with black hair and brown eyes, Lilac, was just finished ironing my silver pants.

"Good morning, madam," Lilac said with a short bow.

"Good morning, Lilac," I said, nodding my head kindly.

"I hope you have a good day today at your school," Lilac said, placing the silver jeans on my nightstand.

"Oh, I will," I said I convincingly, "Be sure you rest well while I'm away. You certainly deserve it."

"Thank you, ma'am," Lilac said.

"Oh, drop the titles," I said, chuckling, "We've known each other for ten years!"

"Of course, ma-er, Sunflower," Lilac said, bowing, "I will leave you in peace. Breakfast starts in ten minutes."

"Thank you," I said, nodding as Lilac closed the door.

I hopped out of bed, and quickly fluffed my golden pillows, before dressing in a shimmering red-glittered crop top with diamond straps, silver jeans embroidered with white dragons, and golden boots with lion-shaped heels. I pulled on white gloves that exposed my pink fingernails, and placed a red butterfly necklace around my neck and emerald earrings in my ears. I heard through a door, and my hair stylist, a plump cheerful woman named Rosette, quickly styled my smooth golden-blond hair into a perfect diamond braided ponytail.

After thanking Rosette and wishing her a good day, I hurried down five flights of stairs to the dining halls where Grassheart and Mothflower sat. Grassheart, my stern looking 6'0 brother with ebony black hair and shining brown eyes, wore a formal black suit with a golden Lion pin pinned to his collar. Mothflower, a cheerful-looking 5'6 woman with brown eyes and hair, wore a long purple velvet dress with a white robe tied around her waist.

"Good morning, sister," Grass greeted me as waiters and waitresses served us bacon, ham, eggs, and cheese and filled our crystal glasses with sweet pomegranate juice.

"Good morning, CEOs," I teased half heartedly. This was usually the beginning of every conversation.

"How are you this morning?" Moth asked smiling, tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear.

"Good," I replied.

After breakfast, I grabbed my favorite purple purse, stuffed two packs of gum into it, and hurried to the garage and climbed into my blue Ferrari. I waved to my brother and his wife, and drove off to school, the song, "Stronger" playing on my speaker.

When I arrived, I parked my car and headed into the school. I checked the Thunder Sector dorm rooms and discovered I was with someone named Bluefur.

"Dorm 619. Dorm 619," I muttered as I hurried up the elevator to dorm 619. When I opened the door, I spotted a 5'4 teenager with blue hair and sea-blue eyes, sitting on one of the beds, one with fluffy blue sheets and purple pillows embroidered with waves. The other bed, my bed, had golden pillows and red blankets embroidered with lions. The teenager, which I assumed was Bluefur, wore a laced green crop top and blue jeans, with a white sweater covering her shoulders. The dorm contained of two beds, two desks and chairs, a living room, two bathrooms, and two wardrobes.

"Hi," the girl said, looking up from a book, "Are you Sunflower?"

"Um....yes, and are you Bluefur?" I asked, a little shyly.

"Yes, I'm Bluefur," she replied, and held out a hand, "Welcome to College!"

"Thanks," I said, taking her hand and shaking it.

"What class do you have first?" Bluefur asked, scanning me from head to toe.

"Um..." I pulled out my phone and checked my inbox, "Math, then Language Arts, then Science, then PE, then Break, then Social Studies, then Music, then Swimming. You?"

"Math, Science, LA, PE, Break, Music, Social Studies, Dance," Bluefur said cheerily.

"Cool, so we're in PE and Math together?" I asked.

"Correct," Bluefur replied.

"Great," I said, flopping down, "So, tell me about yourself."

"I'm eighteen, betrothed to Fireheart, my favorite color is blue, my favorite animal is a dog, and my favorite food is seafood."

"Seafood?" I asked, surprised, "Well, my favorite color is gold, my favorite animal is a lion, and my favorite food is salad."

"Have you read any Harry Potter books?" Bluefur asked.

"All of them, actually," I said, "I'm a Gryffindor."

"Nice!" Bluefur said, "Me too!"

"What kind of music do you like?" I inquired, sitting down on my bed and popping a piece of watermelon gum into my mouth.

"Country, you?" Bluefur asked, accepting the bubblegum gum I offered to her.

"Basically, there is this like really awesome music playlist, but I just can't remember the name," I replied. (PS: the music I'm talking about is music from my favorite ever show, a Chinese show called 乘风破浪的姐姐 or "sisters who break the wind and waves")

We spent the rest of the day taking about our personal interests, and began becoming great friends.

That night.....

I climbed into my bed, pulling the curtains around myself for peace and privacy. I wore a floral red nightgown with golden lace around the collar.

"Night," Blue said sleepily.

"Night," I replied, turning off the light and closing my eyes, allowing sleep to take over my entire body. Perhaps college wasn't as bad as I thought.

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