Chapter 4

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Sun's POV:
When we got it the party, it was already filled with people. It was held in the Thunder Sitting Room, and there were food, drinks, and of course, partying.

"Hi!" Cinderheart said, making me jump.

"Oh, hi," I said, waving.

"Come here!" Cinderheart ordered, "I have some people for you to meet. Nice dress, by the way!"

"Thanks," I said quietly, following Cinderheart to a group of boys standing at the edge of a drinking table.

The oldest one was the boy I saw in Math, that dude named Fireheart. The second was a guy with golden hair and shimmering green eyes. Cinderheart immediately went over to him, and the dude kissed her cheek. The third was the one who caught my attention. Wavy blond hair and shimmering green eyes. He wore a gray T-shirt and a pair of black jeans and a emerald-green sweater that brought out his grass-green eyes.

"Hi," I said shyly.

"So, Sunny," Cinderheart said, "The oldest is Fireheart. He's a senior. The dude with the golden hair is my boyfriend Lionblaze, and the third one is Whitestorm. He's single."

Good to know I thought.

"Hi," I said, "I'm Sunflower. Sunflower Storm."

"Oh! You're brother is....Grassheart, right?" Fireheart asked, "Grassheart.....Storm?"

"Yes," I said, cocking an eyebrow, "How do you know him?"

(Pretend Fireheart's parents aren't kitty pets. They are named Blossomflow and Darkshadow.)

"My dad works there," Fireheart explained, "Surprising. You're brother is like...twenty theee, and my dad's thirty two. My dad works for the Mathematician section."

"Nice," I said with an approving nod.

"So, tell us about yourself," Lionblaze said, hugging Cinderheart, "My bros and I always want to know about our girlfriends' friends, well, Blue and Cindy are White's friends, he's single, for now."

"Well...." I said, avoiding Whitestorm's piercing gaze, "I am eighteen. My birthday is July 4th, my favorite color is gold, my favorite animal is a lion."

"What's your favorite candy?" Whitestorm asked, "Lion and Fire's are Skittles, and I love M'Ms"

"My favorite is actually jelly beans," I replied, "But I'm fine with all kinds of candy. What's your guys' favorite ice cream flavor?"

"I love Dipping Dots's Rainbow Ice," Lionblaze said wistfully.

"I love strawberry flavored," Fireheart said.

"I probably like the vanilla ice cream best," Whitestorm added.

"Cool! I like mint chocolate chip best," I said, "the chips are sooo crunchy!"

The boys and I spent the rest of the day chatting, until the party ended.

"Sooo, how was it?" Cinderheart asked as we headed back to my dorm. 

"Great," I said.

"Soooo. Do you like Whitestorm?" Bluefur asked.

"Yea, he's cute," I said unintentionally.

"Oooo, Sunny has a crush on Whitestormmmmm," Bluefur hummed.

"I do not!" I protested.

"Don't deny it!" Cindy protested, "We all can see that!"

"But, I....." I sighed, deciding it was best not to argue, "Okay, fine, maybe I do."

"Woohoooo!" Cindy cheered, "Maybe now Whitestorm will no longer be single!"

"But you don't know whether he likes me or not," I said bashfully, "He might have a crush on someone else."

"Have you seen the way he looks at you in Music?" Cindy asked.

"Music?" I asked, wrinkling my brow.

"Geez, you don't even know he's in Music?" Cindy asked, "He stares at you from the back of the classroom!"

"You mean, he's seen me practicing piano after school?" I asked tentatively.

"Hell yes!" Cindy exclaimed, "He'll sneak into the music room every afternoon and watch you in a shadowy corner. If you still think he doesn't like you, then you're stupid!"

"Excuse me?" I said, "I am the smartest student in college!"

"Ok, that is true," Cindy admitted, "You literally Ace every test or assignment. But if you seriously can't see the obviousness of Whitestorm's love, then you're blind to love."

"The only love I've ever had was love from my brother," I replied, "I don't need anyone else's. If my parents were still alive, I would have opened up more. Now....I'm not so sure."

"But you opened up to me, Blue, and the boys," Cindy pointed out.

"Those weren't things you could use against me," I replied logically, "Not even reminding me of my parents' death can harm me to much. The only love I possibly have in my heart evaporated thirteen years ago. Yes, I love my brother, but only because he is the only family, the only guardian I have left. Yes, his wife is also a guardian, but I don't love her. Not in the way I used to love my parents and brother. I only told you the minimum of things. No one knows my true secrets, not even my brother."

I walked away from Cindy and Blue, who were standing in shock, their mouths wide open.

"We'll prove to her that she can still love," was the last thing I heard, before I disappeared down the hall.

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