Punishing Vikas

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In previous chapter khushi plan to teach lesson to vikas, as per plan aman dressed like a lady and tried to seduce vikas. When aman(armani) and vikas went inside room, arshi clicked their pictures. When vikas advanced towards armani, khushi remind him to punch.

"Oh i forgot i am a man na" Aman punched vikas.

"ouccchhh, you wild cat. I like feisty girls in bed" Vikas told still not leaving amans' saree pallu.

Aman is trying to kick him but his hands are locked by vikas, and vikas's one leg is in between aman legs making it difficult to move. (It is difficult to fight in saree, i cant even walk)

"Once you enter in my arms, it is not easy to go baby" Vikas told smelling armani hair.

"Your hairs smell is so addicting" Vikas complemented still in daze, by now aman one hand came out of his grip.

"Then you can take this" Said aman removing hair bun and placed it in his hand.

Vikas stood there stupefied.

"What the F***, what is this nonsense?" Vikas shouted, by now aman unbolted door, arshi came in one by one.

"Aman, Thum teek tho ho?" Arnav asked his favorite question. Khushi facepalmed🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ seeing their bromance.

"Khushi" Vikas whispered in shock and moved towards her. 

Aman stood infront of khushi and arnav stood infornt of aman like lions protecting her and glaring at vikas like if-you-touch-her-i-will-kill-you.

"So, khushi this is all your plan? i thought you are as innocent as you look but i am wrong. You are a bi....."Vikas was cutoff by a punch on his jaw. 

He looked up to see two men spitting fire on him, before he can register anything aman punched him. One became two, two became three, vikas face became red in blood. 

A horrified khushi tried to pull away both of her friends but can she match their strength?. 

"ahhhh" Khushi shouted bringing both men attention to her. 

"Khushi what happened? Are you hurt" Both A's asked at same time.

"I am fine, are you planning to kill him. Its enough, now come." Khushi told.

"No how dare he badmouth you, i will teach him lesson." Arnav told kicking vikas in stomach.

"noo, he is already bruised enough to stay in bed for months" Khushi told.

"If you dare to think about khushi, we will kill you. And not a word of today's happenings to khushi's parents. Understood?" Aman warned, they turned to go.

"wow khushi, i wish your uncle was alive to see you roaming with two men. He would have been ashamed of himself for supporting a girl like you. May be his upbringing is the reason of your bi** character" Vikas told, he cant able to accept defeat infront a girl.

Another punch landed on his face, but this time its from khushi. She is punching and kicking him like there is no tomorrow.

"How dare you to talk about my mama, i will kill you." Khushi shouted. 

"I have recorded everything happened before we came in here. Let me send it to your father. Lets see who is ashamed of whom?" Khushi told still beating him.

Realization dawn upon vikas, if his father sees this video then there is no doubt that he will enquire about his past. One by one everything will come out. His father wont hesitate to kill him.

"No khushi, dont send please. I will do whatever you ask for. please" Vikas told begging her but khushi's rage is out of control. She cant take a word against her mama.

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