BFF specials🤣🤣

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Story starts from arnav, aman, khushi running away from restaurant seeing the dish aman ordered. 

Currently they are in car going to the dhaba which is in outskirts of delhi. 

"am a very bad girl

said my old teacher

My dear brother.

All bad habits are there in me

listen to me mister"

Khushi started humming making them look at her weirdly.

(guys this is a telugu song from movie little soldiers. Original song comes like "i am very good girl..." but here in case of khushi it became bad girl)

"What?" Khushi questioned seeing them looking at her. 

"Isnt that  *am a very good girl song*? why are you using bad girl instead of good girl" Aman questions.

"Yes, that little baby in song is good girl not me" Khushi told.

"What a realization" Arnav murmured.

"If you tell truth like this, how will anyone marry you sister. Please atleast for my sake hide this truth for somedays" Aman told dramatically teasing her.

"Ok armani sis" Khushi teased back making arnav laugh at the mention of armani. 

"Dont go there i am telling you or else consequences wont be good" Aman warned.

"What will do haan? tell me? i am not afraid of you. ok" Khushi argued back.

"Of course, how will devils be afraid of humans" aman muttered making khushi roll her eyes. 

"Why is ever so loving brother-sister fighting today?" Arnav questioned. 

"We are not fighting? Are we?" both aman and khushi spoke at same time and looked at each other making arnav roll her eyes.

Whole driving went with jokes, they reached dhaba and settle down to order. 

Khushi ordered almost half of the menu while both A's ordered little less items.

"Khushi learn to cook, if you eat like this your future husband will go bankruptcy" Arnav teased her.

"MR. ASR, i know cooking very well. You forgot about sweets i bought for you?" Khushi asked trying to raise her eyebrow.

"Yes ASR dont tease her. Girls should be strong so they need to eat well" Aman supported his sister.

"Ya ya right" Arnav agreed sarcastically. 

"Jhansi rani, tell me your future plans removing eat and sleep words" Arnav questioned her.

Khushi started thinking while eating gobi which kept infront of her. 

"See while thinking about it also she cant stop eating" Arnav teased.

"Lard Governor, what will be there in future without food and sleep?" Khushi told seriously.

"Ya, for everyone food and sleep will be there in future but for you future consist of food and sleep only" Arnav told making her angry. 

"I dont like to talk while eating" Khushi told making everyone silent.

"Aman bhai, which type of girl you want to marry?" khushi asked after finishing her gobi.

"Just now you told we cant speak while eating?" Arnav asked confused.

"Ya, while eating gobi we cant, now it is finished na we can speak" Khushi told making them roll eyes.

"Aman lets search for nice mental hospital, will admit her there. She needs treatment" Arnav told to which khushi showed her tongue.

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