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Story starts from anjali leaving RM to stop aman from taking sannyasa.

As planned aman stopped in middle in the pretext of his car repair. 

Anjali is going in airport road to stop aman and arshi along with mami following her.

Anjali stopped her car seeing aman standing on road beside his car with sad face. She ran near him and hugged him with all her might. She cried in pain, in releif, in happiness.

"Aman, thank god. I got scared" She told coming out of hug but aman didnt replied to her.

By now Arshi, mami reached to spot. They stopped car few meters away and hid behind trees seeing aman-anjali.

"Aman what happened to your brain? Why you took such a drastic decision. How can i live without you?" Anjali directed her questions towards him but he stayed silent.

"Aman, answer me dammit" Anjali roared like lioness.

"Why anjali? Will it make any difference to you if i leave or stay. You anyways dont want to marry me. And my mother is forcing me to marry another girl. I cant live without you. So, i am leaving forever." Aman told his dialogs which was given by khushi.


Other side, Khushi to arnav:- Lard governer see and learn from aman bhayya, how to do acting ok? It will be useful in future for you to convince your love. 

Arnav:- I wont do all this ok, i will just tie a Mangala suthra on her neck. I dont care about place, time, people. 

Khushi:- What about her approval?

Arnav:- She is having life time to think and approve. First i will marry her. 

Khushi hit him on shoulder.

Mami:- Kids, You two have time to decide, first concentrate on aman-anjali.


"What happened anjali? Why are you silent? I Know you have a painful past but how many days you will sit and mourn on it. You do realize how many days of beautiful feature you are spoiling. Are you afraid of facing this world? Or you dont trust me? I know you dont trust me even a single bit. You still think i cant keep you happy. I will betray you. Right?" Aman asked seriously. 

"Your silence is giving answer to my questions anjali, you dont need to answer. Good Bye" Aman told and turned other side to hide tears.

"Aman please stop, i am sorry. I trust you more than myself. I am sorry, i hurt you with my stupid insecurities. I am ready to marry you" Anjali finally confessed. 

Khushi did happy dance listening to her. Mami and arnav smiled seeing her. This is the quality attracted arnav towards khushi, the way she searches happiness in others happiness.

"You wont change your mind. Do you?" Aman asked anjali.

"No, will go and talk with elders today only" Anjali told confidently.

"I love you so much anjali" Aman told and hugged her in happiness. Their hug got disturbed by whistle sound. They turned around to see khushi coming towards them followed by arnav-mami.

"I am so happy for you di" Khushi told and hugged her.

"Chote, mami  voh.." Anjali hesitated to talk with them.

"Bitiya, we know everything. We are also happy for you and aman" Mami told patting her head.

Aman-anjali took blessings from mami.

"I will support you both di, dont worry" Arnav told and hugged anjali. 

Aman & Anjali thanked him. Khushi coughed reminding them about her presence.

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