Crazy khushi with Raizada's

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Story starts from Arshi reaching home and raizada family arranged a small celebration for khushi.

Story starts from Arshi reaching home and raizada family arranged a small celebration for khushi

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(Imagine raizada hall decorated like this and people are standing in middle. A cake is placed infront of them)

"Happy birthday khushi bitiya/Khushi" Arshi heard everyone's shout.

Khushi was in shock seeing all the arrangements infront of her. Happy tears started forming in her eyes.

Arnav signaled khushi to go near them. Everyone wished her one by one, she took blessings from elders and youngers gave hug to her.

"Happy birthday again khushi" Arnav wished her. She turned to him and smiled with gratitude. 

"No tears" Arnav warned her.

"Khushi, only 15 min left for this day to end. Cut the cake." Anjali encouraged her.

"Yes bitiya. From next year will start celebration from morning, will go for shopping, beaty parlor. I will help you to become beautiful like me." Manorama told in her typical style.

"Manu, No one can match your beauty" Manohar told sarcastically making everyone chuckle.

"Yes that is true but my bitiya can alteast reach my standard unlike someone." Manorama taunted payal.

"Khushi come cut the cake" Anjali told not wanting to disturb good Wibe by mami taunts.

Khushi cut the cake and fed to everyone. This time she choose to feed elders first to avoid confusion.

Nani gifted her beautiful bangles.

Mami gifted her makeup kit.

Mama gave her blessings (obviously men dont have anything handy to gift girls).

Anjali gifted her a saree.

Payal and akash gifted her beautiful chain.

Prakash brothers made her favorite sweets.

Everyone looked at arnav excitedly to know about his gift.

"I am her biggest gift. She wont mind if i dont bring one" Arnav told seeing their gaze.

"This is not fare, she is your friend. You should gift her something" Anjali scolded him.

"Its ok di, he already did so much for me" Khushi supported him. She really dont want to take gifts which they gave but their emotional blackmail didnt gave chance her to reject. Their love and affection are enough for her.

Slowly everyone retired to their rooms as its already midnight. 

Arnav and khushi are in her room. Arnav gave her phone back to her. 

"How come my phone is with you?" Khushi questioned him.

"You left it in garden" Arnav told her.

Arnav gave her small box. She took and opened it to reveal a beautiful silver bracelet in it.

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