Lore of UUSCA: 1/4

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A/N: It's story time, I know is me, But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Now this will take back when "What if George Washington adoption 5 children with fox features that never age", Don't ask because I'm not 100% not American, I just a African leaving in the country called Botswana, I really support democracy, Because I'm anti-communist & anti-fascist, So yeah this is going to be a odd story.


Location: America, Forest
Year: 1752

We see in the green forest, A young man came to the forest to look for something he can study. This man was non-other young George Washington

(A/N: Ignore some random dude and focused on young George Washington)

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(A/N: Ignore some random dude and focused on young George Washington)

He keeps going to find a new land, But even since he was to be alone because (Those damn British love taxes e_e)

George: Well, This is the best places away from the brits, But this we wil-

He couldn't say a word when he encounter wooder house that was appear in the middle of the woods, George was little shock that he found a house in the woods.

George: Did.... Did someone live here?

George decided knock on the door.


George: Hello! Is someone inside?

No response

George: Hmm, No one here.

George try to open the door, Which unlocks it.

George: Well.... If no one here, I can let myself in.

He opens the door, He founds himself inside look around if someone inside, He thinks the house was abandon, So he decided to stay in the house for a day.

George: Hmmm, It looks relaxing, Maybe I can-

???: Hahaha!

George was spook by a sound of a..... baby laughing?

George: Huh!? What was that!? Is that.... A baby?

George try to find a source of the sound, He didn't know where it came from, But he must know where. When he keeps looking, he found a door.

George: *Though* It came behind that door?

George walk closer to the door, His hands shaken, But he must remain strong. He opens the door. When he opens, He founds........ 5 babys?


George was silents at the moment, Did he just enter a person houses, If so, Who in the right mind leaves a 5 babys alone in the house!? George though that someone leaves them.... or..... did someone was kidnap. George was having thoughs if he- No he will not report to the British, He decided to a closure look at the children, But that will shock him when he saw 5 babys have...... Animal ears? And...... Tails?

GATE: Thus USCA fought them (Kitsune Shota male reader washington x family)Where stories live. Discover now