Christmas Chapter pt.3

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Location: United States Continent Of America, Washington DC, The White House.

24 December 2042/2022

3rd person pov

We see a VTOL flying above Washington DC. Than It lands infront of the white house. The aircraft door open revealing to be jack and his girlf- I mean rory, Arrived at the helipad.

Few minutes later, The Washington brothers finished all the Christmas decoration in room.

Àsoha: Finally, All the decorations as finish.

Sòrha: All it took was hard work. I guess we don't need Y/N help after? Right?

Y/N was still drinking his coffee, But he decided to ignore Sòrha words anyway.

???: I'm back!

Jack called out to his brothers with rory, Which surprised (Except Y/N) everyone in the room.

Àsoha: Hello Jack, And Jack's Girlfriend~

Rory blushed by Àsoha words. But jack pull Àsoha fox ears.


Jack: Me and Rory, ARE not in love each other!

Àsoha: PLEASE STOP!!! YOU HURTING ME!!!! OK!!!! OK!!!!

He let's go of Àsoha ears.

Àsoha: Why did you do that p_p

Y/N: *Turn to Rory with confused look*...........

Y/B: Now everyone is here, Jack.

Jack: Yeah?

Y/B: Since you accomplish in the special region. I want you to test something you really going to like. Also, BT is getting a upgrade.

Jack:...... Ok

Rory: Want about me.

Jack: Alright. Rory can you come with me in the ovan office.

Rory: Okay.

And that, They're both left the living room.

Ovan Office.

After they're both alone, Jack decided to tell rory something.

Jack: Rory.

Rory: Yes?

Jack: Are we friends?

Rory lift her eyebrow with confused. Jack sigh and decided to reveal her.

Jack: Rory, My mother gave me something that I see someone....... my type.

Rory: ?

Jack pick something on his pocket, It is reveal to be amulet with a red nine-tail fox.

Jack pick something on his pocket, It is reveal to be amulet with a red nine-tail fox

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Rory was amazed by amulet, It was like something that was given by a powerful god.

Rory: Jack..... how....

Jack: My mother.... given to me after I was 5 years old. She wanted me to meet someone special.

He turns to Rory.

Jack: Like you.

Rory blushed harded, Her face was red duke to her been cute. A Goth Loli feel the heart was racing as she was never felt those for hundreds years.

Rory: *Blushed, Tears & Shock* Jack....... Thank you.

Jack: You're welcome.

He gives her the amulet, She wrapped around her neck.

Rory: It's beautiful.

Jack: *Smile* Yeah, Let's go meet-

Rory: Jack.

Jack: Huh, What-

Before jack could say anything, Rory kisses Jack on the lips. Both cute immortal children as made contact as the world was destroyed by a nuclear kiss.

(A/N: (☉⁠_☉⁠).............................................. Damn............ I just saw them kiss.................

Lemons: Can I been in-

A/N: NO!!!!! *Proceed to throw lemons outside*)

The two immortal demi-gods blushed by a beautiful kiss.



Jack: We should meet my brothers.

Rory:...... Agree *Blushed*

Christmas Chapter pt.3 end


The Readers who watched jack and rory kiss: *JAWDROP*

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