Chapter 21: Italican pt.1

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Location: Falmart, Italican

3rd person pov

We see a battlefield going on in the city of italica. Princess Pina from the rose knights watches the battle from the south gate. She knows this bandits were ex-Imperial soldiers.

Meanwhile with 3rd recon team (Including jack Washington)

We see jack sleeping on rory lap, Even his 8. He has some small child personally.

Rory: Aww~ He too cute to sleep.

Lelei: I even surprised to see him like that. Like he was a apostle.

Tuka: Demi-human apostle?

Rory: Like me, I even notices his aura. He's more powerful than other apostle.

(A/N: Note to self: Jack was OP. So yeah)

Lelei: Did you really think he's a apostle? I don't know want god he serve?

Tuka: Maybe he served the other worlders gods.

(A/N: Unfortunately to those who are reading this. Jack never serve god, But only he protection some religious people, Including Jewish people)

Jack wakes up after hearing the three girls talk.

Jack: *Rubbing his eyes* What are you three taking about?

Lelei: Well-

Itami: What the....... I see smoke up ahead.

Jack look around, Only to found out that he was sleeping on rory's lap.

Jack: I think I need to check what's  itami doing.

Rory: Ok.

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And back to the story

The 3rd recon team (Including jack) arrived at the south gate. Jack decided to sense any hostile enemy process in the area.

Itami: I think we should go in.

Kurata: Did you think that.

Itami: Yeah, Rory, Lelei, Tuka. We should-

Jack: Actually, I'm going with you.

Itami: Sorry, But you-

Jack: *Dark voice* Yõji Itami, Say word that word again. I will crack your arm. HARD!!!

The dark voice that jack made, Cause itami shiver fear.

Itami: *Scared as fuck* Y-You know what, You coming w-with us.

Jack: *Normal* Thank you.

Itami, Rory, Lelei, Tuka and Jack got of their Humvee, Their walk towards the gate. Jack takes his pet pipa and the red sword.

 Jack takes his pet pipa and the red sword

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(A/N: Note to self: This sword cool. I want to have se- I mean kill it with someone else, Yes I said it)

They get closer to the gate.

Itami: Hmmm, I think I need to knock.

As itami was about to knock the door gate. The door swung volatility hitting itami in face.

???: Welcome!

Jack watching itami on the ground, Facepalm

Jack and the readers:

Jack and the readers:

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Jack: Itami....... you fool.

???: Did I do it?

To be continue




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