Chapter 2: The other side.

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A/N: I'm going to add some memes in this story.


Location: Washington DC, White house.

3rd person pov

The scene change to the person who was sitting in the chair, He's small, Had (H/C), (E/C), Fox ears and tails, This is Y/N Washington, A 308 year old and President of United State Continent of America. The news spread about the appearances on Washington DC. Good news is Jack and his unit manage to hold the line, Y/N was thinking sending his army to the other.

Y/N: Hmmm....


Y/N: *Sigh and takes the phone* Hello?

Y/B: [Phone] Hello big brother, Did you get the-

Y/N: Yes, The gate appear in Washington DC. Jack has his own plan to send his army to the other side. But I don't know about it.

Y/B: [Phone] Don't worry big brother, Jack and his units will take care of it. My portal machine works well.

Y/N: *Sigh* Ok, Just take care of him.

Y/B: [Phone] Ok.

With Jack

We see 10,000 Americans soldiers, and 7,000 Military vehicle.

Jack: Man! Listen! This guys come to our world and they wanted our country to be their vessels state. But the empire is small and we Americans are stronger then them.

Jack speech makes the USC Soldiers cheer.


Location: GATE, Falmart, Dancus hill

3rd person pov

Two imperial scouts were patrolling around the area. Until....

Imperial scout 1: Wait? What was that?

The two see a light coming out of the gate.

Imperial scout 2: Is the otherworldly! We must report back to emporer molt!

Back with Jack and his army.

USCF construction vehicle arrived in the hill....

 Construction stop and created a command center

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..... Construction stop and created a command center....

Jack: MAN!! Get this drone on the air!! Fine any hostile that spotted

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Jack: MAN!! Get this drone on the air!! Fine any hostile that spotted.

USC Soldiers nodded. The drone float and scanned any hostile activities...

(Attack drone)

(A/N: I forget to add UUSCF drones, Don't worry, I will add it)

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(A/N: I forget to add UUSCF drones, Don't worry, I will add it)

When the drones scan the area, They spotted a imperial scouts riding their horses as if they spotted.

Jack: '-_- Really? I can shoot them with my drones.

The attack drones killed two imperial scouts. Jack order his stealth units to pick up the bodys if the imperial found out about the dead bodies.

(Timeskip brought to you by this

(Timeskip brought to you by this

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And back to the story)

With the base build, Jack decided to scan around the new world. His was bored a little, Until....

USC riflemen: [Radio] Sir! We got hostile heading to an unknown village!

Jack: Is it the imperial?

USC riflemen: [Radio] Yes, But we spotted a person who's incharged of the operation! It's Prince Zorzal.

Hearing his name, Jack childish smile and giggle that he found his challenge.

Jack: *Childish giggle* Zorzal! I guess are found my prey!

(A/N: Note to self: Foxes are predators to humans, Jack acts like a fox, He made been small, But he can kickass)

Jack: Well then, Kill the imperial bastards!! Leave one alive. Prince Zorzal is mine *Smile*.

To be continue

(A/N: I think jack Washington was going to kick zorzal ass!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣)

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