Chapter 16: JSDF in the special regions pt.2

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A/N: I'm back, and I'm killing hitler!........ I guess. This is a joke you know.


Location: Falmart, Damuis hill.

3rd person pov

Jack was in his office with laptop watching the JSDF movement with a stealth, Their weapons and vehicles where old back in their modern.

Jack: *Though* I think I need to follow them.

Jack stand up and lefts has over.

(Timeskip brought to you by this)

221Sep: Beat this jackass on the ground!!!

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221Sep: Beat this jackass on the ground!!!

Sithlord863: Begone communist!!!

(And back to the story)

Jack and his troops of 21 Riflemans where now gonna make contact with the JSDF.

Jack: Ok men! Listen, We are gonna make contact with the military called "JSDF". They will sent out and recon teams to the special regions. We will follow their movement and reveal ourselves. Any questions.

USC Riflemen 1: Yeah, I got a question.

USC Riflemen 2: Shut up carl!

Jack: Ok, Let's move.

The USC Riflemen heads to their vehicles.

(1 Humvee)

(1 Humvee)

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(2 APC)

(2 APC)

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