She never misses || III

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I walked into the room and rolled my eyes when I saw there was only one bed. "Hell no!" I heard a loud voice behind me.

"You can sleep somewhere else for all I care. It's me who should be complaining, not you, Clover," I replied, crossing my arms and glaring at her.

Clove scoffed and headed towards the bathroom that was connected to our room. "I'm going to shower," she added.

I sighed as I got undressed and changed into my PJs before getting into bed. Just as I began to think about home and Roman, I heard the bathroom door open, and Clove stepped out wrapped only in a towel with wet hair. I couldn't help but look her up and down. She was undeniably attractive, but I quickly shook the thoughts away. She was still a bitch, after all.

I rolled my eyes at her as she went back into the bathroom to change, and I settled into bed. But just as I was about to doze off, Clove emerged wearing a shirt that fit her perfectly and incredibly short shorts. She sighed and climbed into bed far away from me.

"I'm not going to bite, Clover. No need to be scared," I teased.

Clove glared at me. "Are you sure about that, considering you tried to strangle me at dinner, and you threw water all over my face?"

"You called me a pig!" I yelled at Clove, my voice filled with anger. She laughed, taunting me and saying that I was eating my ice cream like a child. "So, which one is it - a pig or a child?" I snarled, glaring at her.

Clove smirked at my question and replied, "Hmm... both!" I was ready to explode with fury.

"I swear to god Clove, if you keep pushing me, I will pour water all over you again and this time it won't be to annoy you, it will be to make your injury even worse," I threatened.

"Alright, fine. Let's just get this over with," Clove conceded, her tone cold and unwilling to continue the argument.

I muttered, "Whatever," and turned away from her, hoping to fall into a deep sleep and forget about the situation. As much as I hated sharing a bed with Clove, at least it seemed like we had reached a truce for the time being.

As I shift in my bed, I am met with the captivating presence of the freckled girl beside me. With a gentle smile, I express my affection for her, saying "I love you baby."

The girl reciprocates the love, calling me her princess. In response, I pull her closer, grasping her waist as she straddles me. Deepening the kiss with my tongue, the girl leans in to place a kiss on my neck.

I woke up with a gasp, my heart racing as I realized I had just had a sex dream. And it was about Clove! I could feel her head snuggled into my neck and her arms holding me tightly. In that moment, I couldn't deny that she looked cute. But I quickly pushed the thought away, reminding myself that I hated her.

"Do I have feelings for Clove?" I asked myself. "No way. I can't. It's not possible."

As she stirred and began to wake up, I felt a rush of butterflies in my stomach. I quickly looked away, trying to hide my emotions.

Clove pushed herself off me, demanding to know why I hadn't pushed her away. "I only just woke up, calm down," I lied.

She muttered a dismissive "whatever" and headed to the bathroom to change, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

What was wrong with me? I couldn't like Clove. That would be like putting pineapple on pizza - it just didn't work. After all, she had bullied me since fourth grade. But as my mind wandered back to those memories.

As I walk through the halls of the school, my heart beats rapidly as I try to avoid any contact with Clove.

However, fate had a different plan for me. As soon as Clove spots me, she calls out to her friends, "Common hold her down for me." I freeze in terror as four of her friends grab me, holding me down as Clove picks up a bucket of hot water.

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