She never misses || XVI

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Upon waking in the middle of the night, I notice a peaceful clove nestled on my chest, softly snoring. As I delicately move her head, I make my way to the elevator and ascend to the rooftop.

Once there, I encounter the blonde boy from district twelve. "You're having trouble sleeping too?" I inquire, taking in his fatigued appearance.

"Hey," he acknowledges my presence with a slight smile.

"Can't seem to catch a break, huh?" I probe further.

"No, not really," he responds with a soft chuckle.

As we listened to the roaring cheers of the capital, silence enveloped us. "Can you hear them?" I asked incredulously.

"I just hope they won't change me," Peeta spoke up, his expression filled with worry.

"How do you think they'll change you?" I asked, furrowing my brow.

"I don't know," he hesitated. "They'll make me into someone I'm not. I don't want to be just another pawn in their game, you know?"

"Do you mean you won't kill anyone?" I prodded.

"No, I'm sure I will, just like everyone else when the time comes. But I wish there was a way to show them that they don't control me...even if I'm going to die, I want to be true to myself," he sighed. "Does that make sense?"

"Absolutely," I answered honestly. "I just can't allow myself to think that way. I have to look out for Clove, Cato and Chris in the arena, you know?"

"I understand," he replied, also sighing. "See you tomorrow?" he asked, as he headed for the elevator.

"See you tomorrow," I responded, returning to my bed and snuggling up to my girlfriend's side.

As I made my way downstairs for breakfast, the sight of food made me feel nauseous. I couldn't bring myself to eat even a little. Before it was time to leave with our mentor, I approached Clove and kissed her deeply, not caring if anyone was watching. "I'll meet you out there, okay?" I whispered softly.
She nodded in response, smiling and giving me one last peck on the lips, before being led away by Esmeralda who advised me to shower, eat and clean up.

I decided to take a shower and make the most of the fresh water. After getting out, I wrapped a warm towel around myself and got dressed in a simple black shirt and leggings.

As I walked out of my room, an Avox led me to a room by myself, which had a table full of food and drink. I sat down and forced myself to eat, knowing that I wouldn't have much in the arena. I drank as much water as possible and noticed two pills next to a glass of water with a note attached.

"Take these. It stops period and toilet. Meet you later. - Sloane"

I swallowed the pills quickly, hoping that they would take effect soon. I finished the last bite of my toast, feeling sick to my stomach. I took a deep breath and heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called out as Brutus entered.

"Hi," he greeted me with a smile. "Are you ready?"

"I have to be," I replied with a shrug.

"Let's go then. We can't waste any more time. We need to get to your transportation," he said, urging me to follow him.

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