That scythe be seggsy asf

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OC included, story happens in Gray vs Wolf arc.


Had Kyrastos Silvius bothered in another AU, would the outcome be the same? No. Had Kyrastos Silvius bothered, Gray Yeon would come out of this pretty much unscathed, since the former Union head took care of everything.

"Wolf? You do realize that this is MY best friend you're intending to beat up?"

Gray Yeon was on the rooftop, shaking. He was on that godforsaken rooftop that made Stephen go away, and he had unrational fear of his friends being pushed down there too.

"You have no idea how long I've waited... for this moment." Wolf said, smirking.

"The fuck? You scared now? Don't you think it's a bit too late to be coming to your senses now? You were all tough a few days ago, what happened?"

"The rooftop happened. You lowly cripple."

It was that voice. That fucking voice that made Wolf become the one shaking, wide eyed.

That neon pink hair, those eyes, that tailored shirt, that green tie, that walking stick, that scar, that sneer. Kyrastos Silvius broke through the door with no effort.

"You should have seen that face of yours, Wolf. Trembling in fear is no good look for you." He smirked.

"You knew, didn't you? That no friend of mine shall be beat up by any of you? Wolf? You do realize that this is MY best friend you're intending to beat up?" Kyrastos was pissed. Between all those people, all those universes, all those aristocrats and nobles and cripples he met, Gray was one of the only being that he actually appreciated.

"Bring me the white mamba and union's defyer you say. Well, bad news, I'm that union defyer you mudblood*."

*Gray liked to use insults coming from all of the universes that he's seen, so a bunch could come.

"Did you forget that you're my shuttle? Rebelling now are we? You're too pissed to be the one fixing my scar? Too tired to be the one serving me tea when the servants were too busy greeting guests at the Manor? Huh? Well I'll give you a chance. Come! If you can land 3 hits wherever on my body in 30 minutes, I'll appoint someone else. If not? Prepare for a good beating, dear shuttle."

Wolf was fucking pissed. He was Wolf Keum, head of Ganghak, not a damn shuttle! And so, he striked.

And, obviously, he failed.

"You choose. Which technique do I use? My fists? My tools, my powers? You choose." he walked to an exhausted Wolf.


"You're too indecisive? Then I'll choose for you. I choose my tools. Here comes the scythe!"

Right on his chest. The scar would look good for a sectumsempra, a spell that cuts you up everywhere on your body.

Next was on his neck, and then his arms, legs. He stabbed his foot's pressure point. And Wolf was now in agony.

"Be a good boy alright, and don't scream too much."

His scythe turned into surgery knife.

He gouged Wolf's eye out.

And Wolf disobeyed Kyrastos's orders of being silent.

He screamed.

And shouted.

And let it all out.

You should know that a surgery knife is very sharp, so it's even more painful then usual.

༒︎𝑾𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐 𝑶𝒏𝒆-𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 ❤︎Where stories live. Discover now