D I A R Y pt2

75 2 30

"Tell that friend of yours, at 10 am, Yeoinaru, we will play a game of chess."

Well, here we go, dearest Readers~


"That's what he said." (pun not intended stawp)

Gray smirked. "As expected. The great Donald Na does not fall in any tricks."


"By the end of tomorrow, I promise that you'll be out of the union."

"If you say so..."

To achieve their goals, they both did hundreds of math problems, just to prepare for this day.

Time passed, and and anxious Wolf found himself with both geniuses handing their sheets to Hero cram school's math teachers.

"Which one finished faster?"

"I did, but only by 3 seconds."

"Well I'm delighted to announce that you won the friendly competition!"

That was a cover-up so that they'd get the teachers to check the results.

"Thank you, Mr. _____!"



"Since I won, we know the deal, Wolf leaves the Union."

"Well, a deal's a deal, and I accepted it. Just so you know, I still need you to retrive your documents, because I know of your address. Come on, to Yeoinaru."

"Wait. If I find Wolf more bruised than he should be, you won't get out unscrached." he sneered.

Donald's piercing red eyes locked onto Gray's deep violet ones. "Alright."

They turned, and walked to opposite directions.

"SO? DID YOU WIN?!??!"

Wolf got quite close to the rest of the crew, much to everyone's surprise.

"Yes. Unless Donald's a bastard who breaks promises on a regular basis, Wolf should be out of the union by now."


"We should go to Ttosik to celebrate!" said Rowan.

"True, where's Wolf?" Eugene asked.

"He's out to get his stuff, papers and things like that."

"And you're sure he's not gonna get ambushed?"

"I told him that we're gonna deal with him if Wolf gets a scratch on his body."

"... We can't just "dEaL wItH dOnAlD" Gray!" Ben freaked out.

"So you'd rather have to deal with me?" Gray glared at everyone.

"We'll do just that!"


Gray opened his phone, and called Wolf.

Tututut... Tututut.... Tut-





Control your emotions.

Don't explode.

Control your emotions.

Gray was livid.

The deep violet turned piercing violet.

"Let's go to Yeoinaru."

༒︎𝑾𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐 𝑶𝒏𝒆-𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 ❤︎Where stories live. Discover now