It was just Steve and Eddie in the bed room and robin and Nancy in the living room talking
"Eddie I want no I need to talk to you!" Steve spoke first
"Of course you do" Eddie said looking anywhere but Steve"Eddie I'm sorry extremely" Steve said knowing how bad he messed everything up
"Sorry.." Eddie mumbled"I misunderstood what you were saying and I freaked but now I understand!" Steve said putting his hands on Eddie's knees
"How did you misunderstand?! I said it so directly!" Eddie sat in confusion
"So what did you exactly misunderstand?" Eddie asked" I thought-" "Eddie I thought you were rejecting me!" Steve sighed
"REJECTING YOU THATS THE STUPIDEST THING IVE EVER HEARD" Eddie laughed till he couldn't breathe"I know how it sounds I'm hearing myself now" Steve cried
"I do have to ask you one thing Steve" Eddie said leaning closer to Steve
"Okay what is it?" Steve asked
"So tough guy why would you have been upset if I rejected you" Eddie smirked
"WHAT?!? NO I WASN'T UPSET!" Steve said looking at anything but Eddie
"You were clearly bothered then" Eddie said getting Steve to look back at EddieIt was silent after that it was only a few seconds but It felt like hours of just Steve and Eddie sitting across from one another staring in each other chocolate eyes
That was until they heard two girls giggling by the door and of course it was Nancy and Robin they were barely an inch a part both peeking through the small crack in the door
Robins and Steve's eyes meet
"Oh shit he caught us" Robin looked at Nancy then they both quickly ran off laughingSteve looked back over at Eddie laughing a little with his head in his hands
"Are you crying?" Steve said tilting his head like a dog
Eddie then bursted out laughing "no Steve it's just funny!"
"Whats funny?!" Steve asked
"That I was this close to kissing Steve Harrington and I-" Eddie was rambling when he looked up and saw Steve more red and confused then ever beforeEddie leaned in to Steve with a stupid kissy face but was stopped by Steve's hand
"To late"Steve winked
"oh so Harrington wassss going to kiss me I was just joking" Eddie said shrugging and sticking his tongue out at Steve"Is Harrington not going to talk to me anymore!?" Eddie said with a fake frowning face
"Heh just don't know what to say" Steve said rubbing the back of his neckNancy bursted in the room with a phone in her and also with Robin behind her both holding hands
"We found a hospital that will take Eddie and it's near by like an hour away!" Robin yelled
"NOooooo man" Eddie cried
"What is it now Eddie" Steve raised an eyebrow
"Their going to make me take showers" Eddie said getting a disgusted face in return from Steve
"Okay we're going right now" Steve said getting up and leaving "what are you waiting for get in the damn car!" And quickly they all rushed into the car with Nancy and Robin helping Eddie__________________________________
Sorry this took so long I've been just unmotivated and school and just some stuff outside writing has gotten me busy 😅Also is this a good story idea? (Not a steddie story just in general)
Every thing in this world we know now is all Simulation but its a test put on by scientist or just the people on "real earth" who decides who gets to go to their earth if their a bad person they don't get to go if their a good one they do simple as that! everyone has their own simulation everyone is still their own person it's like it's an online server but every has a different POV. When you die that's when they will decide who's going to "real earth". "Real earth" is supposed to be the most perfect place ever with only good and good people but the only raising suspension is where do the people who die and don't get to go to "real earth" because they were apparently bad according to the people of "real earth".
(Side note: everyone has such similar experiences because their seeing how people with different life's react to the same experiences.)

Aftermath [Steddie]
FanfictionThis is a steddie book romance involved After the incident with the upside down (this takes place during volume 2 but my version) with Eddie's "death" but is Eddie really gone or hiding in Steve's party hide out? When will Dustin find out and how...