Punishment and Despair

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The world has changed seemingly overnight. Wei Wuxian the Yiling Laozu is presumed dead. The civilized clans at least hope so. He was a terror to their way of life and thinking. Good Riddance.

Unbelievably Hanguang-Jun, Lan Zhan, Lan Wangji the pillar of all the clans especially his own the Lan Clan have been severely punished for trying to protect and hide Wei Wuxian.

Lan Qiren, his uncle, the leader of the Lan Clan, could still not believe or comprehend why and how this happened. Why did his favorite nephew turn his back on his clan, his family, and his upbringing? He was totally blindsided by this. His upbringing had been closely chosen and supervised by himself. Lan Zhan wouldn't be a disappointment like Lan Qiren's older brother, the father of both Lan Zhan and his brother Lan Xichen. No expense of time, teachers, books, and training was spared.

And in one Summer Lan Zhan became a person he didn't recognize because Wei Wuxian the Devil himself had completely changed and destroyed everything he had instilled and taught Lan Zhan. He was ruined. But he will make Lan Zhan remember who he is, who he was, and forget about Wei Wuxian. Lan Qiren thinks "I will not be disappointed again Lan Zhan, you will come back to who you were and that's final."

So, Lan Qiren had Lan Zhan punished severely. He will forget about Wei Wuxian, the Yiling Patriarch. His anger and his disappointment were so great that he almost killed Lan Zhan. During the punishment Lan Zhan had even dared to question him. While blood was flowing from his mouth, Lan Zhan said "Uncle, what is right and what is wrong? Tell me." Lan Qiren couldn't believe what Lan Zhan was even saying.

"How dare he question me !! Me, the leader of this Clan, and his Uncle!! How dare he still try to protect and defend that monster, Wei Wuxian?"

He almost took the discipline whip from the disciple striking Lan Zhan. So great was his anger that he was willing to strike Lan Zhan, beat  Wei Wuxian out his memory, and bring him back to his senses. Lan Xichen, watching his uncle's face, feared for his little brother's life. He almost stepped forward but then his uncle turned around to not face Lan Zhan.

Lan Qiren had ordered 33 strikes of the discipline whip, then 3 years in the Cold Pond to reflect on his deeds. No one could stop him. No One. Lan Xichen tried but he was no match against his uncle. Tears were flowing down his face, blurring his vision.

Lan Zhan endured the whipping with a straight back and a cold face. He would never show his pain to please his uncle. He believed he was right in defending and protecting Wei Ying and nothing was going to change that. His Wei Ying was not evil even while using his Demonic Cultivation. Wei Ying really tried not to do evil or be evil but he was pushed too far and in the end he couldn't control what happened.

Lan Zhan endured the beating because he wanted, no needed to prove that he believed and trusted Wei Ying. In his mind he kept saying " Wei Ying I love you, I believed in you, come back to me." Over and over until the beating finally stopped.

Lan Zhan was broken in so many ways, His body, his heart and soul almost beyond repair but he did not regret it. He would do it over and over again if necessary to prove Wei Ying's innocence.

His back, shoulders and arms are bleeding profusely. His tongue bitten through so he wouldn't cry out. His eyes red from unshed tears. His flesh was torn literally from his body. Yet he showed no emotion. He would not show them that they hurt him both physically and emotionally. No he would not give them anything.

His brother Lan XIchen can't look at him, his uncle won't look at him. Even the disciples who felt he was wrong felt guilty about the magnitude of Lan Zhan's punishment. But still orders needed to be carried out, so he was taken to the Cold Pond. Dropped off there, none too gently. He was left there alone. His uncle ordered no treatment to be given to him. So he was left to live or die, whatever the universe would see fit.

Finally alone, Lan Zhan gasps for air, which causes him immense pain. He cannot move or breathe without pain and agony. His mind is in chaos. He couldn't think clearly even if he wanted to. Pain, agony and grief. Where does one begin and one end? This is all more that he can take. Slowly he begins to shut down. His mind takes him to a place so bleak, so desolate, so dark it seems impenetrable.

Lan Zhan is no longer willing to wake up to a world Wei Ying is no longer a part of. If he can no longer be with him then he doesn't want to be here. He closes his eyes and his mind. Deeper and deeper he sinks into the darkness. He truly hopes never to wake up. Maybe he can find Wei Ying in death and be with him.

But the universe has other plans for him. For now it is willing to give him time and space to heal and fight his demons. Maybe he can find his will to survive and possibly find his peace .....

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