Leeches and Maggots

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Lan Qiren has heard about the new healer. Deep in his heart, he hopes he will heal Wangji; he will never apologize, but he also never intended to cripple him for life either. He also knows the Wen child is being schooled by his nephews. No better teachers exist. The child could become someone special. He doesn't want to lose face but wants his nephews back. How to do this? He must come up with a plan, but he must still enforce his power as a clan leader.

Meanwhile, while meditating before the healer comes, a Voice in Lan Zhan's head speaks softly but with authority: "You will heal, and you will become stronger. This is my gift to you. You will be the shield that protects Wei Ying from harm. I put my trust and faith in you to be whatever he needs for a happy and meaningful life. You will feel a surge of energy and strength. Become Hanguang-Jun once more. The world needs you. Wei Ying needs you."

Lan Zhan looked around his room but saw no one. A-Yuan is outside with his brother. Suddenly, he feels new strength, energy, and purpose. He bowed his head thanks to the Voice to do what was asked of him. Not because it was requested but because of his love and respect for his beloved Wei Ying.

As the healer was walking to Lan Zan's jingshi, he was approached by none other than the Clan leader, Lan Qiren. Sun Hua has heard some of the stories of Lan Zhan's and Lan XIchen's relationship with their uncle. He also knows Lan Qiren is responsible for Lan Zhan's injuries. He doesn't want to judge, but a part of him dislikes Lan QIren. No one should go through what Lan Zhan has and will still have to do.

Lan QIren says, "You are from the Lotus Clan?"

Sun Hua bows ever so slightly, just shy of being disrespectful. "Yes, my name is Sun Hua." The bow does not go unnoticed but Lan Qiren will let it go for now.

"Will my nephew ever walk again, or will he forever be bedridden?" asks Lan Qiren.

Sun Hua looks at him straight in the eyes and, for a long moment, says nothing. Lan Qiren stares back with the same intensity as if to intimidate him.

Finally, in a quiet but firm voice, Sun Hua says, "Perhaps you should have thought of that before you ordered such a harsh punishment. To hurt and debase another human being in such a way is inhuman and inconceivable."

Lan Qiren is stunned; how dare he speak to him in such a manner. His voice shows his anger: "He broke the rules; what he did was wrong. He needed to be punished."

"But to ruin a young man's life and for what? Did the end justify the means? I think not. I'm sure there were other means of punishment available. You chose anger over reason.

Lan Qiren looks down slightly. The healer is correct, but he will never admit it. His anger and disappointment in Lan Zhan were great then and still are. "What can I do now?"

Sun Hua says, "It is not my place to advise you. Whatever you decide must come from the heart if you have one. That family must believe you are sorry for what you have done to them."

Sun Hua bowed again and left Lan Qiren alone, looking towards the jingshi. Three thousand rules or family? Unbelievably, it is still a hard choice for him to make. Power is still significant to him.

Sun Hua arrives at the jingshi. His talk with Lan Qiren has unsettled him. He takes a deep breath before walking in. He needs to only focus on Lan Zhan right now. He knocks on the door, and Lan XIchen answers. He has a worried smile on his face. When Sun Hua looks at Lan Zhan, he quietly talks with his son. His face is calm and shows nothing else. Lan Zhan nods his head, indicating he is ready.

Lan XIchen won't leave his little brother this time, but he doesn't think he will be able to look either. A-Yuan, being a child, is watching in fascination the creatures that will be placed on his father's back.

Here, I will deviate a little to explain about leeches and maggots.

Leeches pierce a person's skin with their teeth and insert anticoagulants through their saliva. Medicinal leeches have three rows of jaws with teeth. Therapy is usually 20-45 minutes long. Sometimes, they stop periodically and wave their head or bodies, giving them a strange appearance. Leech saliva keeps the blood flowing in the damaged areas. As a bonus, treatment is painless; when the teeth bite, they release a naturally occurring anesthetic that numbs the area.

Maggots debride wounds or remove damaged and infected tissues. When injuries have been open longer, the risk for infection is higher. This is where larvae can be beneficial. Pain from them can be easily treated with analgesics.

Sun Hua again lights incense before starting. A soft scent of Lotus flowers fills the room. Immediately, Lan Zhan and A-Yuan think of Wei Ying. Lan Zhan smiles, and his eyes shine, remembering their last time together. He closes his eyes, the scent filling his senses. He feels the love of his beloved all around him, comforting him; he can do this with his love by his side. He must have his life back; his love is waiting for him...

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