Life Lessons

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Several months have gone by. Lan Zhan is still bedridden and slowly recovering. He can sit in bed briefly until it becomes too painful. A-Yuan is also recovering. He is quiet and obedient. He is not rambunctious like typical three-year-olds. He seems to know Lan Zhan needs quiet to heal, and his baba keeps telling him to be a good boy. So he plays quietly by himself or with Lan Xichen.

A-Yuan is playing on the floor, careful to be quiet when he looks over to check on his father. He notices that Lan Zhan is watching him. "Good morning, father," he says sweetly. Lan Zhan smiles at him and says, "Good morning; where is uncle?" "He went to the kitchen to get breakfast for us. He said to play quietly and help you if you needed anything."

Lan Zhan smiles again and says, "I'm ok, little one." Come, let's wait for Uncle together." Carefully so as not to hurt Lan Zhan or cause him to bleed, he climbs into the bed with his father. He lays next to him, and before long, he is asleep. Lan Zhan tenderly kisses the top of his head and thinks, "I'm not much of a father to you, am I?" I'm sure Wei Ying was an excellent father to you. Tears glisten on his lashes as he remembers his Wei Ying and when they had met at the town at the base of Yiling mountain. He remembers how much Wei Ying loved this child. He feels a tender touch on his cheeks and lips.

"My love, you will be an excellent father; please don't cry." "But Wei Ying, I cannot even leave this bed," sobs Lan Zhan. Wei Ying places more kisses on Lan Zhan's cheeks and lips. Lan Zhan is in heaven but still can't see his Wei Ying.

"Silly, it takes more than legs to become a father. It takes commitment. Patience, kindness, and, most importantly, love. You must be willing to teach all the life lessons necessary, but most importantly, you must be willing to love and protect your children."

Lan Zhan looks down at A-Yuan and thinks about what Wei Ying said. "Just because I can't walk doesn't mean I can't teach and love you." He feels Wei Ying's arms come around them, feels his love, and thinks, "This is our family. I will raise A-Yuan as our son and love him till you come home. Then we will raise him together." Wei Ying kisses them both and says, "Yes, we are a family. I love you both. My love, I feel my energy waning. I still can't manage to undo what is binding me but I won't give up coming back to you both."

Lan Zhan smiles through his tears. "It is enough to hear and feel you, my Wei Ying. I will wait for however long it takes. When I become stronger, I will also help you return to me."

As Wei Ying fades away, Lan Zhan softly hears, "Sleep, my loves; I will watch over you until I cannot." Lan Zhan felt Wei Ying's body next to him, and his arm crossed over him to include A-Yuan. He is comforted and falls asleep with the child. His last thought is his Wei Ying and his new family. He will get stronger, and he will become the parent A-Yuan needs. He must also help his love find his way home.

Wei Ying looks down at both of them, trying to stay as long as possible. He will find a way to break these bonds that separate him from his family. He just wished he knew if he was dead or alive and if he could come back to Lan Zhan.

Lan Xichen has returned from the kitchen to find both his patients asleep. He didn't have the heart to wake them. Then he notices that both are sleeping with smiles on their faces. "I wonder what made them smile?" he thinks. He leaves them alone and sits outside to wait for them to wake up.

Finally, he hears talking inside the jingshi, Lan Zhan's deep voice, and A-Yuan's soft baby voice. They are deep in a discussion about schooling.

"Yes, Father, I will study hard and won't cry," said A-Yuan. Lan Zhan gently smiles and says, "Mn". Lan Xichen finally reaches them and asks, "Who is learning what?" Lan Zhan reaches into his mind to see if Wei Ying is still with them. Sadly, he is not, but he feels comforted and stronger for having Wei Ying's love and understanding to guide him.

"Gege, I finally realize that A-Yuan is the perfect age for schooling and training. Since he will not be allowed to go to school with the rest of the children, the task falls to me. Will you help me with his education?"

"Of course, Didi. This goes without saying. We will raise him as a Lan child without the ingrained prejudice and give him the tools to help him think and make decisions.

"Now, eat the two of you. You've already missed breakfast, and now it's lunchtime. You will need all the energy and strength for the upcoming lessons. After lunch, we shall plan out your school lessons and training. Agreed?"

Both Lan Zhan and A-Yuan smiled and said "Mn" simultaneously, causing everyone to laugh. For the first time, the future seems bright and hopeful.

"Thank you, my beloved. I promise you I will be an excellent father to A-Yuan. I will ensure he becomes part of you and me—the best of us. I want him never to forget you and your love for him. 

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