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It is the Summer Solstice in the Lotus Clan. All the villages are ready for the Full Moon Festival. But that is not the only thing they are going to celebrate. Tonight, everything is decorated in red. When the moon is at its highest, and the lanterns are set free, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying will marry. The Lan's moved here after leaving the Lan Clan and their Uncle Qiren. They have all lived a life of joy and peace since moving here and joining the Lotus Clan.

They will proclaim their love for each other in this place and become life partners. Husband and Husband. Their love for each other has already become legendary. Finally, they can share a life filled with peace, harmony, and love.

The lovers have not seen each other all day. Nor were they allowed to spend the night together as part of the marriage rites. They are both anxious and nervous. Both are severely missing the other. They promise themselves this will be the last time alone without the other.

It is time .....

Lan Zhan walked in first and stood at the altar. He is dressed in red and gold. His long, gorgeous hair is worn down and flowing. He is wearing a blue Lotus bracelet sent to him by Wei Ying. His heart is pounding in his chest. Then he senses his love coming towards him. He also is wearing red and gold. In his hair, red Lotus flowers that Lan Zhan had sent to him have been woven into. He wears a red veil over his face. He shyly looks at Lan Zhan. He is stunning in red. He has never seen him more handsome. "He is mine, and I am his for all eternity,"

They cannot stop looking or touching each other when they finally stand together.

Lan Xichen is carrying Sizhui, so he doesn't miss anything. They are both crying in their happiness. "I wish you a long and happy life, my brother, with your precious Wei Ying," he whispers.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying left the celebrations and went to a secluded Lotus pond Sun Hua had arranged. They don't know it yet, but it will be here where their new home will be. The Lotus Clan has gifted it to them.

Upon reaching the Pond, they see a beautiful large red and gold tent. Inside were tables filled with food, tea, and, of course, wine. But in the middle of the tent was a beautiful bed, filled with blue and red Lotus flowers on top. Red and blue candles were lit, giving off their heavenly scents. Wei Ying starts to weep. It is so beautiful. Lan Zhan takes his beloved's hand and pulls him away from the tent.

"Where are we going, my love?" Wei Ying asks. Lan Zhan put a finger on his pink lips. "Close your eyes for a few moments, my love. I have a surprise for you." Wei Ying giggles, then nods his head. He tightly closes his eyes.

A few minutes pass, and Lan Zhan takes his husband's hands and says, "Turn around, my love." Wei Ying's eyes widened. Lan Zhan brought the mattress outside the tent, under the moonlight.

Lan Zhan slowly and gently removes the veil from his husband's face. Quietly, he says, "I want to love you under the moonlight. I want to see the stars shining in your eyes. I want....."

Wei Ying is so moved by what Lan Zhan says he doesn't let him finish. He grabs both sides of his husband's face and crushes his lips and body against him.

Wedding Night under the moon and stars

"Lan Zhan, this is truly wonderful!" After kissing his husband, Wei Ying parted their lips a little breathless. Tears of happiness shimmered in his eyes, and a slight blush appeared. With his fingertips, he caressed the smooth skin of the other's face. Sighing contented, Lan Zhan leaned into the touch and kissed the palm of Wei Ying's hand, his eyes never leaving the ones of his reason to be.

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