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For six months, Lan Zhan has endured Sun Hua's treatments. His wounds are now fully healed and closed. All that is left are raised ugly red/purple scars. There is still some pain, but he can manage it.

Some changes have happened in the past six months. Sun Hua has left to return to his Lotus Clan. He has left gifts for them and has also invited them to come and visit him. They will miss him because he has become a part of their tiny family, but they are grateful for all he has done for them.

Lan Xichen shamed his Uncle into letting A-Yuan attend school with the other Lan children. A-Yuan has made one close friend who protects him while at school: Jingyi. Lan Xichen and the teachers have petitioned the Clan to allow the child to become part of the Lan Clan truly. Lan Qiren was very much against this. He was made to note that he was a severe and quiet child. He didn't always excel in his studies but always tried his best. Tried as he might, Lan Qiren could find no reason to deny him, so he was admitted to the Clan.

Lan Xichen suggested the child's name be changed to acknowledge he was now part of the Clan. So, Lan Zhan renamed his son to Lan Sizhui.

Sizhui means longing or missing you. In some circles, it is said that the great Huanguang-Jun took his name from a poem he had read. "I think of a man that cannot be chased; when will the man I yearn for return."

Lan Zhan has begun to teach the gugin to Sizhui, which the child loves. Sizhui treasures the quiet time sitting on his father's lap practicing the gugin or having his father helping him with his letters.

But Sizhui has a secret, his Baba. Wei Ying loves the attention Sizhui is getting from Lan Zhan, but he also wants his child to have fun. So when he appears to Sizhui, they play and have fun—laughter and smiles.

Lan Zhan's childhood was devoid of fun. His life was studying, practicing swords, and living a structured life. Wei Ying doesn't want that for Sizhui. He knows Lan Zhan wouldn't even know how to play. So, to not pressure Lan Zhan or make him sad, he plays with his son while encouraging him to study hard. He tells Sizhui not to say to Lan Zhan for now. He promises the three will play together soon. "He hopes." So Sizhui keeps his Baba's secret close to his heart for now.

Lan Zhan has been practicing sword fighting with his brother Lan XIchen. He is getting stronger; he feels more normal. There is still pain but he can manage.

Lan Xichen has returned to his home but still checks in on his brother and nephew. He still feels very responsible for both of them. The time spent so closely together has forged a stronger bond.

Lan Zhan feels like life is becoming more normal day by day. There is only one thing missing. His soulmate, his love. Sometimes, in the dead of the night, when he is alone with his thoughts, he tries to make sense of his other existence with Wei Ying in their special place. In the deepest and darkest recesses of his heart, it's telling him he has made everything up. That being with Wei Ying is only a product of his mind to survive. And what of Sizhui? He also hears and sees Wei Ying. Are we both using him to survive? Lan Zhan prays to whoever will listen that his Wei Ying is accurate and that he will be reunited with him someday.

"Please be real, please come back to me," whispers Lan Zhan in the night breeze.

"I am real, I will come back to you!!. Please wait for me." Wei Ying clutches his heart and falls to his knees. He lays his head on the ground. He no longer has the energy to stand; he is so distraught.

"Please, you're killing us. Whoever or whatever you are, please let me go!! Lan Zhan is my life; please let me go," Wei Ying sobs.

Wei Ying needs Lan Zhan. He has to break the spell holding him here. He only loves this place if Lan Zhan is here with him. Otherwise, it is his prison. Irrationally, he thinks Lan Zhan will forget him and find another. He knows that's not possible, but the thought still lingers in his mind. So, he focuses his powers and energies on breaking free and does not contact Lan Zhan in any way. He wants to explain why it's killing him, but he needs everything he has to break free.

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