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A/N: This chapter wasn't planned! Like at all! I was typing late last night and I completely skipped this and got like three or four chapters done. So if it comes off as stiff or unnatural, or anything else, it probably is. It was done today and I added more before  I published it. Happy reading!


I went to see my mother. I checked my mother's chambers and then my mothers garden. There she was sitting on a bench.

"Mother?" She turned to me.

She was crying. I rushed to her and sat next to her.

"Mother, what is wrong?" I hugged her.

"Your father has banished Thor to Midgard." I looked over my mother's garden.

Thor was gone. Nyx was wounded. I am a Frost Giant and my mother is unaware I know.

"I am so sorry, mother. I hope one day he returns home. I will go speak to my father," my mother shook her head, "you know it will do no good Loki. Once your father decides something there is no changing his mind."

She was right. He is one who doesn't change his mind. However I wondered why he would bring a baby Frost Giant back from Jotunheim. That much I intend to find out.

"Loki, what is bothering you my son?" I looked at my mothers worried face.

I normally felt like I could talk to my mother about anything. However, all I wanted to speak to was Nyx. It would break her heart if she knew I knew I wasn't hers by blood. She would tell me that it didn't matter. I was still hard wondering why my mother loved me even though I wasn't hers.

"Nothing, mother," she gave me a look that said she didn't believe me, "it's Nyx isn't it?"

I sighed. That would have to be what I let her think.

"You know me too well, mother. I'm concerned for her safety. She wasn't doing well when we returned from Jotunheim." My mother smiled.

She placed her hand on my face.

"Go to her. She is important to you, make sure she is alright. I love you, my son." I smiled at my mother.

I wasn't her son. Not by blood. Not really. I wasn't going to break her heart by saying anything.

"I love you mother. I will go speak to father." I hugged her and left her in the garden.

As I made my way to my fathers vault my mind wandered. Why had he brought me to Asgard? Why did he save me? All I ever did was cause mischief growing up. So why would he bring a baby from an enemy realm. It made no sense. Odin was standing at the door when I arrived.

"Father?" He sighed.

"What Loki?" I grew angry.

"Are you really so tired of me, father," he turned to me, "why did you save me? What purpose did you have in saving a newborn from Jotunheim?!"

He sighed and walked towards me.

"My son, I brought you from Jotunheim because you were an innocent baby. You had been left behind in the midst of the war. That is the only reason I brought you back, was to save your life. You are my son." I started laughing.

"I do not believe you," I stormed up to my father, "you saw me as nothing but someone who caused mischief! I was always the trouble maker! So why?! Why did you save a monster!"

I let myself turn blue.

"What do you want to hear, Loki? That I took you so I could use you against Jotunheim? Against your birth father? Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. However, I am your father." I stormed up to him.

"I am not your son! You wanted me to be some sort of bargaining chip?! So be it! I hope you rot, father!" I turned away.

A thud followed after. I turned and saw him upon the floor. I felt a pain in my chest. He still raised me, so I wouldn't leave him on the floor. However I was done with his unfair treatment of me.

"Guards! Help! The king has fallen!" As the guards rushed forward, I left.

I could not stand being near the man who kept my heritage a secret from me.

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