Broken Bridge

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The moment I landed on the Bifrost I used Mjolnir and went straight to the castle leaving Sif and the Warriors three behind to attend to Heimdall. Nyx's last words to me echoed in my mind. How couldn't I show my anger towards my brother? He lied about my father being dead. He deserved my anger.

He is hurting because a secret was kept from him all of his life.

I knew he had a right to be angry. I landed and ran through the palace. Father kept a secret and in the end it hurt Loki. His actions don't make it right. I heard grunts as I neared my father's chambers. I shoved the door open. Loki was there with mother.

"Thor you're home. Oh my boy." My mother hugged me.

I looked up at Loki. He looked scared. I made my way towards him.

"Have you told her Loki? The truth? That you told me father was dead? That you sent the Gaurdian to kill my friends and I? That Nyx stayed behind?" He looked surprised.

"Is this true?" He looked at my mother.

I saw the sadness in his gaze.

"It doesn't matter. I was simply following my father's last order. What does it matter that she stayed behind? She was a Changeling anyway." I grew angry.

"She loves you, you fool! She stayed behind because of you! She couldn't come home because she had to bring me back! The Prince who meant nothing to her! Who was cruel to her! It is time to let it go Loki. Cease your plans before we lose you as well." He looked down.

"Never. I will still destroy Jotunheim!" I was blasted through the wall.

I was angrier than I was before.

I'm sorry Nyx, I tried it your way. Now I'll do it my way.


I quickly went to the Bifrost on horseback. I thought of Nyx. She exposed herself to bring Thor back. If she loved me, why would she risk everything for Thor? I unmounted and headed to the center of the Bifrost. I placed Gungnir in the center and opened the Bifrost to Jotunheim. I froze the gate open.

"Loki! Enough!" I turned to see Thor.

"Oh grand. My brother is here to save the day. Midgard has made you soft, brother." That made him angry.

"You know nothing Loki! If anything it made me wise, brother," the disgust in his voice shocked me, "Nyx fought against me when I was ready to slaughter the Frost Giants without a care in the world. Now it is time for you to realize that we cannot destroy an entire race just to prove ourselves to our father. It's not right. Nothing is won with violence, Loki."

"Why do you CARE!? The Frost Giants tried to kill Father and Mother! They should be destroyed!" The disbelief on Thor's face angered me more.

I began attacking him.

"It is to late brother. You cannot close the gate to Jotunheim. They will be destroyed. Then I will move on to your prescious Midgardian." Thor glared up at me from the bridge.

"I will stop you." I laughed.

"YOU CANNOT!" I launched Thor down the bridge with Gungnir.

Thor began to stand, but stopped.

"If you will not stop the Bifrost, you leave me with no other choice brother," he met my eyes, "I'm sorry Nyx, Jane. Maybe one day we will see each other again."

He slammed Mjolnir down upon the bridge.

"What are you doing?" He looked sad and angry.

"Fixing your mistake brother." What?

"You will never see her again! What of Nyx? She will never be able to return!" He didn't stop.

"Nyx knows that! She knew the moment she revealed herself to distract you! She knew she was never coming home! I will see Jane again, but depending on your choice, brother, you will not see Nyx for a long time." The bridge started to crack.

"No!" I lunged forward.

I was too late. The bridge shattered. I went flying into the air. In moments father was there with Gungnir. I was holding onto the end of it, with Thor above me. I glanced below. A wormhole had formed. I glanced back up. Father and Thor were watching me.
I should let go. I have done the unspeakable. I will never be forgiven or excepted. I smile at Thor.

"No!" I turned my head.

There was Nyx. Her body was faded, but she was here.


We had begun traveling in this car when I felt a disturbance in the air.

"Something is wrong." L-Phil turned to me.

"What's the matter?" I shook my head.

"I don't know. It's not here that something is wrong. It's on Asgard. I must Astral Project. I will return shortly. I do not have time to explain. I will explain then." I closed my eyes.

I focused on the rainbow bridge. When I came to I was next to Odin and the bridge was broken. I looked down. Thor and Loki were hanging onto Gungnir. Loki smiled at Thor.

"No!" I fell to my knees.

Loki's head snapped towards me. He had tears in his eyes. I glanced down. A wormhole had formed. I looked back at Loki.

"You hold on you hear me?! Do not let go!" I was worried.


She was worried for me. Tears gathered in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Nyx." She shook her head.

"No," the tears began to fall, "you fall down that and I will never see you again! Please Loki! I cannot lose you! We may be in separate realms, but our bond makes us inseparable. Please Loki, do not let go. You are worthy of being a king, but you must learn that violence is not always the answer. War isn't always the answer. Destroying an entire race, no matter how much you hate them, isn't the answer. Please Loki, do not let go."

She met my eyes. She was fading fast. With the Bifrost destroyed she was having troubles astral projecting herself here to Asgard.

"I'm sorry Nyx. I'm sorry that I never saw that you loved me. That you would be there no matter what I did," I glanced at my brother, "keep watch over her for me."

"No Loki, you can do that yourself. We all make mistakes. As long as you learn from yours you can become more. Please, brother." I glanced at Nyx.

She looked scared. She was crying like I was already gone.

I know you best.

She smiled at me as tears fell down her face. She didn't say anything. She knew I had made up my mind.

I'm sorry Nyx.

She shook her head.

No, I am. I failed you. I am the reason things turned out this way. If I had been better at everything for you, you wouldn't be in this position.

She glanced down at the space behind me. Then she met my eyes.

I'm so sorry, I failed you. I will stay with you as long as I can whatever you choose.

I saw her body fading as the wormhole was growing larger below me.

"Goodbye, brother." Goodbye Nyx.

I let go.

"No!" No!

Thor and Nyx looked so lost. I felt arms wrap around me.

I cannot hold this form much longer. I have one last thing to say to you. I love you Loki. No matter where you end up, whether you survive the wormhole or not. Just know I love you Loki.

She pulled away and kissed me.

Goodbye my fair Loki. I wish we had more time.

She was fading fast. I needed to say it.

"I love you too Nyx." She looked so broken.

Then she was gone and everything went dark as I fell into the wormhole.

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