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A/N: I know this is short. Really very short. I don't mean the chapter. Plus it's moving fast. I plan on making this a series, I think. I know I started with the Thor 2011 movie, and I realized how fast I was going through the movie. I'm like this is not going to be enough for me. I adore the marvel movies, well except for Dr. Strange MOM, but I'll give that another chance when I'm not covering my child's eyes every 5-15 minutes. 😁 Anyways, happy reading and let me know what you think!


I was standing next to Jane when I heard pounding on the door. I turned and saw the smiling faces of my friends. To the side I saw Nyx. She looked sad. My friends barged in and Nyx followed behind.

"Thor, we came to bring you home!" Home?

"My friends, I cannot go home. As the last thing my father did with his life I shall remain in exile." Nyx stepped forward.

"What do you mean," she met my gaze, "your father is in Odinsleep. Why do you think-"

Nyx stopped speaking. She looked to the floor. She looked angry. She stepped away and into another room. I knew my friends were here, but I followed her. Everything told me she needed me. She was hurting just as I was that my brother had done this. I gripped her shoulder and she looked at me. She was crying. In all the years I knew her she only cried during two occasions. Her parents leaving Asgard and their deaths.

"It was Loki, wasn't it? He told you your father passed while I locked myself away in a magical sleep. I'm so sorry, Thor." She looked away from me.

"Why do you cry Nyx?" She looked back at me.

"I love your brother, Thor. I have for years," she took a deep breath, "however he is not fit to be king. You are. I'm hoping Midgard has taught you things in your short time here. We do not have long, I fear he will send the Gaurdian here to Midgard to finish you off. I may not be the Allfather, but I sense a change in you. I believe you are more worthy of Mjolnir now than you ever were before. Alas there is one more thing I must tell you."

I did not hear any doubt in her voice. She meant everything she said. That she could put aside all the bad things I had done to her. The way I treated her. Yet here she is making sure I got home. Telling me she believes me worthy of Mjolnir. I knew she wouldn't say this just to boost my pride. She always said what she was thinking when we were kids. She never lies or made fun of others. I knew she was telling the truth.

"What is it?" She looked fearful.

She stepped away and met my eyes.

"The reason I will not be returning to Asgard." She changed before my eyes.

Gone was her brown hair, violet eyes, and copper skin. In its place was white hair, white eyes, and silver skin. I backed out of the room.

A Changeling. I had only ever seen pictures. From Asgard's history, their kind were wiped out. She followed me out of the room.

"Who are you?!" Sif yelled from behind me.

Nyx smiled and changed back.

"Nyx? What is the meaning of this?" She glanced around the room.

"I am a Changeling. It was better I show you than you find out when you return to Asgard. Now I fear we must be ready to fight." I glanced at my friends as they were ready to strike at Nyx.

Nyx stood without moving for her weapons. She stood unarmed. This was how it was Jotunheim. She never made a move for her weapon. She wished to try to solve things peacefully. I didn't care what she was. I wasn't going to let history repeat itself.

"Friends, enough," they looked at me, "is this not what happened on Jotunheim? The only difference is you all are me in this situation. You are doing what I did on Jotunheim. I was the one ready to attack without trying to resolve things peacefully. Nyx tried to stop me. Whatever she is, it doesn't matter. She came here to warn me and to make sure I got home safely. She is Asgardian as much as she is a Changeling."

I looked at Nyx and she smiled at me.

Thank you.

I nodded at her. Then the whole building shook. Everyone grabbed onto something. Nyx was the first on her feet and the first one outside. We all followed after.


I saw the Gaurdian standing in the middle of the street. A pain welled up in my chest. He really did it. I had hoped that he wouldn't. I turned to the man and women that stood with Thor.

"You must clear the streets immediately. That thing shoots fire. Get them cleared out quickly! Now!" The old man and young girl that wasn't next to Thor did as I asked.

Then I saw something I thought I'd never see. Thor was kissing one of the humans. I heard him murmur her name. It was Jane. Love. He fell in love and grew up a little bit. Good. I just hope it's enough. I glance at Sif and the warriors three.

"Help them quickly. Thor, say your goodbyes. She needs to help clear out the people. Make it fast. I will keep the Gaurdian occupied until your done." Without another word I stormed off towards the Gaurdian.

I summoned my mothers bow with her specialized arrows. I had my fathers weapons as well, but if this thing shot fire then I would shoot it with explosions.

"I hate that it's come to this Loki. However, I will not let you harm these people." I notched the arrow and let it fly.

It hit the Gaurdian in its chest and exploded. The Gaurdian fell on its back. People screamed and ran. I continued walking up to it. I stopped at a certain point. The smoke cleared and the Gaurdian was down on one knee. It had a gaping hole in its chest. I watched as the hole fixed itself. It didn't work.

"Don't do this Loki! He is your brother! Please!" The Gaurdian didn't move.

I was ready to react whenever I needed to. A small part of me hoped that he wouldn't continue with this foolishness. However, I knew Loki. I knew what was going through his mind. I just hoped my words may be enough to stop him.

"Please Loki! Do not do this!" I knew it was pointless to ask, but I had to try.

He was angry and hurt. I understand that. I was to. I had a feeling he wasn't going to listen. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Thor.

"This is my fight. Not yours. I will not make you fight him. Even though he isn't here in person, he is still controlling the Gaurdian," I saw the understanding in Thor's eyes, "no. I will fight with you. I may be his Guard, but that ended once I was outed as a Changeling. Now I am only his friend. I will not allow his actions to get these innocent people killed."

I placed my hand on Thor's.

"I must do this. As my final duty as his guard." I moved my hand from his.

Thor nodded at me and turned to the Gaurdian.

"Loki! Let us end this! Nyx is right! Do not let our squabble harm these innocent mortals!" I cringed.

That was always enough to set Loki off back on Asgard. An arm swung at us and we were thrown backwards. I was flung through a wall.

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