Bonus Chapter IV : Love and Thunder

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(This chapter is NOT canon to the main plot of Goddess. This chapter follows the events of Alt. Ending 1)


New Asgard, was unique. It was a fresh start for the Asgardians. With our new king and land, came new responsibilities.

I stood behind Valkyrie as she attended meeting after meeting. She shook at least a thousand hands that day.

She sighed as she sat down on her chair.

"Tired already ?" I asked with a laugh.

"Am I done for the day ?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"I'm not your secretary, you know that. Plus you could have refused the throne when it was offered to you"

"And let you run New Asgard ? By yourself ? With Vál ? Not a chance" She chuckled.

Someone knocked at the door. It was Miek. Before she could talk, Váli ran inside.

He ran towards Valkyrie and she picked him up.

"You're getting way too tall for me to do that. It's those Frost Giant genes" She said as she struggled to keep him up.

"Frost Giant ?" He said.

"That's a story for another time bud"


"Can you tell me a story ?" Váli asked as he laid down in bed.

"Isn't it past your bedtime ?" I asked as I sat down on a chair next to his bed.

"Just one story !"

"Alright, what do you want to hear"

"The elevator"

I sighed. It was the only tale he wanted me to tell him about.

"Your uncle Thor, your father and I needed to infiltrate a garage filled with spaceships to escape the planet Sakaar. To trick the guards there, your uncle decided to use a special misdirection technique. 'Get Help', that's what he called it. Your uncle and I carried your father on our shoulders while he pretended to be injured. Once we got close enough to the soldiers, we threw him at them and we stole a ship !"

Váli laughed.

"Time to sleep now"

I kissed his forehead and closed the lights in his room.

"Goodnight" He said with a yawn.

"Goodnight" I closed the door and walked downstairs.

As I was about to sit on my couch, I heard screaming and explosions coming from outside.

"Vál ! Stay here !" I screamed, hoping he had heard me.

I opened my door and ran towards the noise. There were fires outside. Strange creatures made of darkness crawled in the streets.

Valkyrie arrived on her Pegasus and threw her spear at one of the monsters. She looked at me and nodded.

I conjured my dragon's fang and began slicing the creatures. No matter how many I seemed to have killed, more kept appearing.

Suddenly, a beam of light appeared in the middle of the battlefield. It was the Bifrost. It was Thor.

He used his lightning to destroy the beasts. The Asgardians cheered for him as they fought.

"Hey ! Who'd you piss off now ?" Valkyrie asked Thor.

"This is not my fault. I've never even seen these things, whatever the hell they are" Thor said, pointing at the remains.

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