Chapter 23

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Sorry, sorry a million times sorry for the long wait!! Thank yous so much for all the comments and votes, they make me so very happy:) Hopefully the next chapter won't take me so long. Enjoy!


I don't know how long I sat there but I eventually heard a car pull up and stop. Great I'm going to get mugged, maybe they'll have a gun and end my horrible existence right now.

"James you're not supposed to get your dressings wet, are you trying to get an infection?!"

I looked up upon hearing my Dad's voice. Damn. It wasn't someone after my money. A couple seconds later, Dad had me wrapped up in his waterproof jacket.

"How did you find me?" I asked trying to get away from him, but he wouldn't let me.

"Find my phone," he said pulling me back to him.

Damn I forgot he had my password to that stupid thing. I should have turned my phone off.

"Get away from me," I said trying once again to twist out of his arms, "Go play house with your new family," I said bitterly.

"James thats not fair. We can talk about this more later at home when we are dry," he said managing to drag me the couple of feet to the car, "Now get in," he said opening the back passenger door.

I would have continued arguing and fighting back, but sitting there in the back seat was none other than Preston. The same brute who broke my arm. I gave my Dad the dirtiest look I could muster, and grounded out the words, " I hate you," before getting in the car.

I was sadistically glad to see Dad freeze at that comment before closing the door and getting into the driver's seat.

Once he closed the door no one moved. I think everyone was too stunned by what I said. Heck even I couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth, but it was too late to take them back now. Besides, I was still very upset. I held on to my anger, because the madder I was at Dad the less I thought about how my entire life had gone to shit in the last 24 hours.

"Here take these," Dad said handing me my pain medication.

Now that he mentioned it, my arm was really sore, but I didn't take the medication.

"Jameson, I know you're in pain so take the damn pills," he said in a forced calm voice.

I reached out to take the pills from his hand without pause, whenever he started swearing it was best to do as he asked.

The car ride to the Monica's house was filled with awkward silence, but I didn't care. The way I was feeling, I was sure I'd never be happy again. The pills made me feel sleepy. When Dad came back from walking Monica up to the door, he got on the car and turned to look at me.

"James you can come sit up front,"

I didn't respond. I just turned my head to look out the window.

"Fine. Be like that," Dad said turning back around, "I don't care."

I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. By the time we pulled up to our house I was out cold.

I vaguely remember dad waking me up enough to get me on to his back so he could piggy back me up to bed. Then I blessedly passed out.


Then next thing I knew I was in bed in my sleep wear, with someone rubbing my back.

"Come on James, wake up," I heard Dad's voice.

It's been awhile since Dad woke me up like that. It was kind of nice.

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