Chapter 2

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Myra, oh how I hated that woman! Ever since we first met we hadn't got along. Our personalities just clashed, horribly so. I never could see what Dad saw in her. I guess you could call her pretty, she had long blond hair and bright brown eyes, and her body wasn't too bad. She would be attractive if she wouldn't open her mouth, because when she does that, you realize how big of an annoying, self centered, little bitch, she really is.

Her and Dad weren't really dating per say, just basically fuck buddies. Well my Dad used less vulgar terms, what he said was they were just two adults, who enjoyed each other's company, so it's basically the same thing.

They had been seeing each other off and on for the last year and a half or so. Henry had this theory. He said that since she was the first person Dad brought home since Mom died a little over four years ago now, that it was natural for me to resent her, as I subconsciously saw her as trying to replace my mother, which she never would. My mom was the greatest woman that ever existed, in my humble opinion, and Myra was the worst. Henry was convinced of this, but personally I thought it was just Myra.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in my maybe not the most polite tone. But could you blame me? Here was this, this woman who was going to ruin my night.

Myra turned around and gave me a look that said I looked like scum off her shoe. She was about to say something, but then my Dad chose that exact moment to come down the stairs.

"Jameson, that's no way to talk to a guest, especially a lady guest," he said as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

Damn of course he heard that, he seems to always pick the exact moment I do or say something wrong to show up.

"Sorry Darling, I'm ready to go now," he said to Myra.

It is a test to what a good actor I am to how I never reacted like I felt like I wanted to. I just stood there like my own father did not just blow me off for her.

"Well? Don't you have something to say to Myra?" He asked looking at me.

"How many rich guys did it take to get that dress?" Well it seemed that my not reacting streak had ended.

Yes I did just basically call her a prostitute... in front of my father. Well hello charity ball, here I come.

They both just stared at me in shocked confusion. My Dad was the first to speak.

"Jameson Richard Wellington, apologise right now! What has gotten into you?" he asked angrily.

"No," I growled back.

He glared at me and I glared back, then he spoke.

"Excuse us for a moment," he said to Myra even as he kept glaring at me.

He then grabbed my ear and dragged me into the closest room with a door, which happened to be his study.

Once we were inside he closed the door and turned a very stern look onto me. At this point, my anger was mostly gone and I was starting to question my sanity. What was I thinking defying Dad like that?

"Don't you ever speak to someone like that again, that was extremely disrespectful and I know I raised you better than that. If I had more time I would wash your mouth out with soap! And you don't tell me no, when I tell you to do something you do it. Now, I have to go, you are to stay in your room tonight, no leaving it for any reason. Got me?" he asked still in his scary Dad voice.

I just nodded my head once. I just wanted him to leave so I could wallow in my self-pity by myself.

"Good, now go out there and apologise to Myra," he said pointing to the main entry way.

I didn't say anything I just walked past him and out to where Myra stood.

"I am terribly sorry for my atrocious behaviour, would you ever forgive me?" I asked in a sickening sweet voice.

I could tell she wanted to say something mean to me but refrained because my dad was right there, so she just nodded her acceptance.

Once my 'apology' was made, we all stood there in awkward silence until Dad spoke up again.

"Okay, we're going now, you behave," he said as he walked over to me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I didn't say anything. I just watched them leave. Now it was official. Dad had forgotten about me.

I stood in the entry way for quite a while staring at the door hoping that Dad would come back through, but he never did. Eventually I made my way up to my room to sulk. Well at least on the bright side he never said anything about the ball, so maybe my slip up would be over looked, and I still wouldn't have to go. I could only hope.

As I laid on my bed feeling sorry for myself, I made a decision, I wasn't sitting at home on a Friday night alone, I was going out. I didn't care if I was grounded, Dad left before he could tell Henry so I was good to go.

With that thought in mind I pulled out my phone and texted my friends to make plans for tonight.

A couple minutes later it was decided, we would go pre drinking at Resdens, and then we would go to the party later. So with that in mind I went up stairs to get ready.


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