Chapter 14

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It was Friday night, a week and two days since Dad found out about my speeding ticket. I was laying on my bed feeling sorry for myself. I still had two weeks to go, which was practically forever. There was no way I was making it through this grounding alive. Especially since I have already been grounded over a month, which was practically a lifetime!

I rolled over into my side and sighed. This was stupid. Christi and me had been dating for a while now and I haven't spent like any time with her outside of school. She keeps saying things like 'when your not grounded we should...' And I always feel so bad. She's always super supportive and doesn't get mad at me for not being able to take her out, but I still feel like a lousy boyfriend. Like tonight there's this party her friend from another school is throwing and she wanted me to go with her because she didn't know that many people, but I couldn't because I was stupidly grounded. She understood and everything, I just don't like to see that slightly disappointed face she gave me before saying that she understood but still would miss me.

I rolled over again on to my stomach, still wallowing in self-pity.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

I jumped at hearing Dad's unexpected voice from the doorway. I rolled on to my side to look at him. He was all dressed up and ready to go. He had this seminar thing tonight. The only thing worse then being grounded on a Friday night was going to that thing.

"No thanks, I'm good," I said rolling back on to my stomach.

"Alright, but you'll be missing out," Dad hated going to them too, but he had to. They usually have them quarterly, and he needs to be there to give one of the talks each time.

I didn't say anything, I just rolled back onto my stomach. I heard him sigh and felt him sit down on my bed.

"James, are you still sulking about being grounded?"

"No, but I've been grounded forever, it's not fair!" I whined turning my head to face him.

"And whose fault is that?"

"Yours," I said much more brattier then I intended.

"James," was all Dad said before I felt a hard swat.

"Ow!" I protested receiving a swat that wasn't all that unexpected. I rolled on to my side so my backside was away from Dad, "That hurt!"

"Good, it was supposed to," he replied unsympathetically.

"Ddddaaaaaddddd," I whined at his lack of understanding of my plight.

"No whining, I won't put up with anymore of this attitude you've had today. I know you're tiered of being grounded, but you only have two weeks left. If you keep this up you'll have a month and a sore bum. You understand?" He finished his lecture with a piercing stare.

"Yes sir," I answered quickly, I didn't have a death wish.

He stared at me for a moment more then moved on, "Okay good. I have to get going or I'll be late. You behave for Henry. I shouldn't be out too late, probably at one at the latest. I want you in bed by 11, okay?"

I nodded. Part of being grounded was an earlier bedtime, but he had moved ahead an hour every weekend at least. Going to bed at 9 that first week was rough.

"Okay, goodbye, I love you," he said placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Love you too," I said as he got up and walked out of my room. He left with one more 'behave', and then he was gone.

I laid in bed brooding for about an hour after Dad left before I had enough. This entire situation was stupid and unfair, I was already spanked like some naughty little kid, and then I was grounded for forever on top of that? That was basically a double punishment; triple if you count the swats I now seem to be getting daily for my 'attitude'. And besides none of my transgressions were that big of a deal. Okay maybe getting arrested wasn't the best, or getting a ticket, but what kid doesn't do that? Dad had over reacted.

If I left, I bet he would never know. He wasn't going to be home until late and I wouldn't be gone more then a couple hours at the most. That way Christi would have someone to go to the party with, and I would finally get to spend more time with her. The more I thought about it the better the idea sounded. I was already punished and did most of my time. Besides, if I left tonight, he would never know.

With that in mind I slowly opened my door to listened for Henry. When I heard nothing, I snuck down the hall to my Dads bedroom to find my phone. I was going out tonight.

I got to my Dads room without incident and found my phone in his top drawer. I sent a quick text telling Christi that I was no longer grounded and asking her of she still wanted to go to that party.

She responded with a yes followed by lots of explanation marks and a smiley face.

Now I just had to find a way to get out of the house without Henry knowing.

I walked down stairs looking for Henry I found him asleep on the couch with the news on. Perfect, once he fell asleep he was usually out for a while. It was only 7:30, but he was old and I heard him saying to Dad this morning that he couldn't sleep last night because his back was sore.

I went to the kitchen to dirty a plate so it looked like I already ate. That way he wouldn't come bring me food later if he woke up and decided to make supper. I felt bad about deceiving poor Henry and using his misfortunes against him, but I quickly put that out of my mind. Nothing was going to stop me, not even my stupid conscience.

With my plan in place I went up stairs to get ready quick. Once that was done I grabbed my phone and my keys and quietly made my way out the door. I left never thinking about what would happen if I was caught, because that wasn't going to happen.


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