Chapter 20

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AN: Thank you so much for all the reviews, I love them, you guys are awsome!! Heres the next chapter, its on the short side, but the next one will be longer!


The only downside to being off my long grounding sentence was now I was so busy catching up on spending time with my girlfriend and friends, that I didn't know that Dad was dating again. Like seriously dating, not the casual thing he had with that other girl.

By time I realized, it was already too late to do anything. The awful thing was how I found out. It was a Friday morning, a week after my skipping school incident, and I had managed to drag myself out of bed... yes Henry had to wake me up, but I made it down in time for breakfast.

When I got there Dad was already sitting at the table reading his newspaper. I sat down at my place and started eating.

I was about half way done when Dad put down the paper. "James, you're going to be home for supper."

"No I don't think so, Will and Simon said something about going out tonight."

"No you misunderstood, that wasn't a question, your going to be home for supper tonight," he said still not looking at me.

"Okay... What's going on?" I asked confused. He usually didn't demand I be home for supper unless someone was coming over and then I had warning... Like a week in advance.

"Nothing. We are just going out for supper with some people," he said still avoiding eye contact.

"Who?" I asked. I knew something was up.

"Monica and Preston," he said quickly.

"What?" Okay there was no way I was even remotely expecting this. I still hated that guy. He was so rude and presumptuous. "Why?"

"Well you see James," he said finally looking at me, "Monica and I are dating. We have been for about two months."

I felt like I couldn't breathe. He introduced her to me like she was just a colleague at the picnic. There was no warning, no nothing.

Dad had casually 'dated' other girls since Mom had died, but this was different. This was serious. We were having dinner. The rest... Like Mira... I just met her in passing one day, but she was never deemed his girlfriend... And he never said the word 'dating' about her.

I didn't say anything I just got up and left. I headed upstairs to grab my blazer and backpack. I turned around to leave my room and Dad was standing in my doorway.

"James..." Dad started to talk, but I cut him off.

"Don't, just please don't," I said trying to contain my emotions.

"James sweetie, it's been 9 years."

I just looked at him. I was well aware of how long it had been since Mom died.

"I loved you Mom James. I was devastated when she died. I wasn’t sure how I was going to go on without her, but I had a little grieving 8-year-old who needed me," he said sitting beside me on the bed, "It was hard enough just being Dad, now I had to be mom and Dad. The only thing that kept me getting up in the morning was you," Dad finished placing a kiss on top of my head.

"What’s that have to do with you dating Monica?" I asked confused.

"You see that young boy I was talking about? He’s growing up so fast, into a fine young man that I am damn proud of. But that little boy doesn’t need me like he used to."

"So what? She’s there to fill your loneliness now that I'm growing up?"

"No James, I just now finally have time to think about me. Don't you think its time I did something that makes me happy? Can’t you give them a chance, for me?"

I froze. Was he blaming me for running his life? He never got to do what he wanted because he had to take care of me?

Dad must have taken my stunned silence as acceptance because he moved on.

"I want you home no later then 4:30. We are having dinner at 6 but we got to pick them up first so we will be leaving here around 5:30. I want you to look your best too."

I didn't even respond. I just rolled my eyes and left for school. Who cares how I looked? Dad didn't love mom anymore.


I didn't mean to get detention, honest. It just sorta happened. I was distracted all day by the news Dad sprang on me this morning so I may not have been paying any attention in biology. After the third time Mr. Retenburge had to call my name a bunch of times to get my attention, he gave me detention after school for an hour. Then when the same thing happened in English, I got another hour. Which meant I didn't even get to leave the school until about 5:40.

I walked into the house a good hour and a half after I was told to. I walked in and Dad was standing right there. He just stared at me while I tried not to fidget.

"Go upstairs and get ready really quick," he said finally speaking.

I just nodded my head and followed his instructions.

I went upstairs and had a quick showed. After I finished I went back to my room and Dad was sitting on my bed.

"Here James, I got you your clothes out," he said indicating to the clothes sitting beside him.

"Thanks," I said warily. He hadn't said anything about me getting detention(s) or being late.

I walked over and he got up and turned his back to me so I would have a little privacy to get dressed.

As I dressed he talked to me, "You know James, I'm not too happy with you getting detention today, but I know this morning was hard for you. I shouldn't have just sprung it on you like that. I should have given you more time. I was just worried about how you would react. I delivered the news poorly and for that I am sorry."

I froze with my shirt half buttoned up. Did Dad just apologize?

He turned to look at me when I didn't say anything. He smiled at me, "What?"

"I don't think you've ever apologized to me before, let alone for something that wasn't even your falt," I said finishing buttoning up my shirt.

"Sure I have," Dad said grabbing my tie off the bed, "I have made more then 1 mistake over the last 17 years. And I appreciate the sentiment, but let me take the blame for this one," he added as he helped me put my tie on. I could never put the stupid thing on.

"So I'm not in trouble?" I asked.

"Not this time baby boy. There all done," he said taking a step back yo look at me.

"Thanks," I said looking down at my now tied tie.

I looked up when Dad put his hands on my shoulders.

"Remember this one thing James, you will always be my main priority. No matter what happens between Monica and me, that will never change," Dad said looking me in the eyes.

I smiled at him, warmed by his words. Maybe just maybe everything would be okay.



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