Chapter 4

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The next thing I remember was being shaken awake. It must have been morning judging from the light that assaulted my eyes when I opened them.

"Arrg, Henry! It's too early," I said as I burrow my head into the mountain of pillows I needed to sleep with.

When the pillows were pulled off my head in silence, I knew something was wrong, Henry never missed an opportunity to lecture me on why I should get up with my stupid alarm, which come to think of it, I didn't remember turning off. As I contemplated this, my sheets were also pulled off me. This was also new, that usually didn't happen until I pulled them over my head.

"Alright, who are you and what have you done with my Henry?" I asked without opening my eyes I didn't want to see he anger on his face. Maybe he was fed up with me, especially once Dad told him what I did last night, it wouldn't surprise me. I had basically lied to him by not informing him of my grounding.

"Well you usually call me Dad, and he's downstairs making breakfast."

At hearing my Dads voice my eyes shot open and I jumped out of bed really fast and immediately wished I didn't. My head really hurt and I was sure I was going to puke. I turned and practically ran to the bathroom, but seen as how I slept in my contacts, they made my vision kinda blurry so I sort of ran into the door frame, but finally I made it to the toilet, and proceeded to throw up everything I had in my stomach.

Oh man I was never drinking again! What was I thinking? Oh yeah that right... clearly I wasn't. I laid there with my head on the cool bowl for a undetermined amount of time.

But eventually my eyes made me crawl on my knees over to the sink so I could grab my contact solution and do the lazy man fix by dropping it like eye drops into my eyes. Once my vision cleared I saw Dad standing behind me holding a wash cloth out. Which I grabbed with a quick thanks before promptly washing my face, then rinsed my mouth out quick. Next thing I knew there was two pills in front of my face, which I hoped were Advil because I took them and dry swallowed them hoping that my headache would go away. I sat down on the floor with my back to the sink and held my head in my hands. It wasn't working fast enough!

"You need fluids," Dad said as he handed me a glass of water. I took it but didn't drink it, I wanted to make sure I could hold what I had left in my stomach before I drank it.

"Just drink it, it will help," he said once he realized I wasn't drinking it.

I chugged it down then Dad helped me up and helped me back into bed. He then picked up my blankets and tucked me in. I was still feeling kind of crappy so I didn't protest. Once he was done he bent down and kissed my forehead, "You sleep now, we will talk later tonight when I get home, I shouldn't be too late. I love you my sweet baby boy."

I was too tied to respond in depth, so I just said, "Love you too," and fell asleep.


I woke up again a couple hours later, but this time no one woke me up. I rolled onto my back. As I laid there I thought about how stupid I had been. I had made everyone mad at me including my friends. I should have just stayed home and sulked, then I wouldn't have been in this mess. Of better yet, I should stop acting on impulse and never drink again!

My pity party was cut short by my bladder telling me I really had to pee. So reluctantly I got up and went to the washroom, once I was done I realize how hungry I was, I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday.

I walked down the stairs on my way to the kitchen. When I got there I saw Henry in there fixing up some lunch.

"Oh Master James, I was just going to come wake you up. Lunch is ready," he said when he saw me.

"Okay cool. Is Dad eating?" I asked as I sat down at the table.

"No, he's not home," Henry said without looking at me.

"Where is he?" I asked confused.

"He had a couple meetings this morning with the security company that's in control of the building."

"Why did he meet with them?" I asked having a dumb moment.

"Well you see, he wanted to know how 6 intoxicated 17 year olds could break in to his building, undetected for 35 minutes before finally someone was notified.

"Oh yeah, that," I said looking down at my food kind of embarrassed.

After a couple minutes of him cleaning the kitchen and me eating in silence I asked, "So is he coming home this afternoon here then?"

Henry still didn't turn around, "Umm no, not exactly. He said he wanted to get some paperwork done at the office. Then he had to meet someone for a bit. He said he should be home around 7 or 8 to deal with you."

Seen as how he never looked at me once, I knew something was going on, "Okay, so who's he meeting?" I asked trying to sound casual.

"Oh no one real important just Myra," he said. The last word was said so fast that at first it didn't register, but when it did I froze. Then all the anger and frustration I had been feeling these last couple of days came rushing to the surface. I tried to suppress it, but it didn't quite work.

"That slutty bitch?" I asked outraged.

Finally Henry turned around and gave me a stern glair, "Hey! If you don't like her that's fine, but don't you ever say something like that again, especially about a woman, I know your Dad taught you better then that. If he were here he'd wash your mouth out with soap! If I ever hear you say something like that again, I'll do it myself. You understand?"

I hadn't seen Henry that stern towards me in a while. So it momentarily shocks me out of my anger, but then it came back.

"I don't care! She is a slutty bitch and the only thing Dad wants her for is sex. I don't fucking care what you say, you know it's true. Besides who are you to tell me what to do? You are nothing more then a butler," with that I turned and fled to my room. As I ran I tried hard not to let my tears fall. When I finally got to my room, I slammed the door and threw myself face first onto my bed and let out my tears of anger and frustration.


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