Chapter 10

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When I got to my room I threw myself face down into my bed. I fought back the tears that threatened to fall, why couldn't anything go my way?

"Hey! You don't walk away when I'm talking to you," Dad said as he angrily entered my room.

With that I started to silently cry. I couldn't do anything right.

"Hey, what's wrong kid?" Dad asked in a much softer voice then before.

I felt the bed beside me dip as Dad sat down beside me.

I didn't say anything; I just tried to get my tears under control. It was embarrassing how much I had cried these last few days here. I was worse then a hormonal teenage girl!

When I felt Dad start rubbing my back I moved over so my head was lying on his thigh and my tears were being absorbed by his expensive slacks he was still wearing. Dad started running one hand through my hair as the other one still rubbed my back soothingly.

"What's wrong, Sweetheart?" He asked again when my tears died down.

"Nothing," my voice was muffled by Dads pants but even to me it sounded like a lie.

"I don't believe you. I know you James, and you don't just start crying for no reason. Heck, you hardly ever cry," Dad said, not stopping his soothing rubbing.

I was quiet for a while and Dad never spoke. I guess he was just letting me get my thoughts in order.

"I am such a screw up," I said in a quiet voice laced with tears.

"Hey," Dad said landing a sharp swat on my butt.

I yelped more out of surprise then pain before looking up at him with big questioning eyes. Why could I possible have done now?

"That's my son you're talking about. No one, not even you, is allowed to put down the most precious person to me. Okay?" He asked semi sternly.

I nodded. Comforted by the fact that he wouldn't let anyone hurt me, even me. I laid my head back down on his thigh just to immediately jerk back up when I heard his next sentence.

"If I ever hear you talk bad about yourself again I'll wash you mouth out with soap. Understand?"

"Yes sir," I said dumbly, unsure if that was an actual threat, but not wanting to test it out.

"Good boy," he said before pulling me up so I was cuddled into his side.

We stayed like that for a while, just as I was about to fall asleep Dad moved.

"We should get something to eat before you have to go to practice," he said as he got up.

I looked at the clock and noted that I only had 45 minutes until I had to be at practice. Where had the time gone?

We ate a simple meal of Mac and Cheese. Then I got my stuff together and we headed back towards the school. We didn't talk much, just enjoyed each other's company.

When we got to the school Dad pulled up to the doors, "Have a good practice, son. I'll see you after practice."

"Okay Dad," I said getting out.

"I mean it James, straight home after practice," he warned.

"Yes Dad, I know!" I said exasperated.

"Good bye, I love you," Dad said just before I closed the door.

"Love you to," I said then closed the door.

On my way through the school to the gym I wasn't paying attention until I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Christi walking towards me.

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