Chapter 5

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Eventually I must have cried myself to sleep because I woke up with a sore throat and my eyes felt gritty. I laid there for a bit feeling sorry for myself. I mean yeah I probably shouldn't have said that stuff to poor Henry. I was taking out my anger at Dad out on him, which wasn't really fair, Henry didn't deserve that. I should go apologize to him. But on the other hand I was probably still too hurt to trust myself to not blow things out of proportion. And even if those words weren't directed at the right person, it still felt good to yell at someone. I just really wish it didn't bother me so much. I mean so what if my own father doesn't have any time for me, or want to spend time with me? It shouldn't matter. Even if all the other guys on my team all have at least one of their parents at almost every game, that doesn't mean I need my Dad there too right? I rolled over and hit something or rather someone. Who would be sitting on my bed? I slowly opened my eyes to see who it was. It was Dad. What was he doing here? Didn't he have to do... Well anything but be with me?

I rolled back over so that my back was to him. I didn't want to talk to him now or ever really. I was still hurt and angry at his actions.

"Oh come on, James, don't be like that," he said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged it off and didn't reply.

"James, sweetheart, come on, just talk to me," he said, putting his hand back on my shoulder.

"No," I said as I rolled over into my stomach, thus dislodging his hand once again from my shoulder.

"I'm not leaving until we talk," he said as he rubbed my back.

"Fine," I said into my pillows, "Just don't touch me."

"Not gonna happen baby boy."

Well now that he wasn't going to leave me wallow alone, I had two choices. I could quietly turn over and talk calmly with my Dad, or I could turn around and tell my Dad exactly what I thought about him, in a maybe not the calmest way.

I, of course, chose the most adult, rational way. I jumped off my bed and turned an angry glare at him, "Why are you even fucking here? Don't you have some paperwork to do, or some slut to be with?"

"James, I know your upset, but that is no reason to use that kind of language, and don't talk about Myra that way," he said so calmly that it just served to make me more angry.

"I will talk about her which ever way I damn well please! She's just a bitch and you know it. You just got your head too far up your..." I was cut off mid rant by Dad haling me over his knees. I was stunned silent by his actions. The next thing I knew I felt a sharp sting. What the hell? Then I felt a couple more swats. He wasn't really spanking me was he? All doubt was removed from my mind when I felt even more swats. It couldn't have been more than 15 swats that he delivered (even though it felt like a lot more then that), before he stood me up in front of him. I was still stunned speechless, he hasn't done anything like that since I was 13.

When I was standing up, Dad spoke again, "Alright, are you calm now?"

"You hit me! You fuckin hit me!" I exclaimed unbelievably

"No I swatted you to get your attention, there's a difference and you know it," he said then sternly added, "and if you keep swearing, I will wash out your mouth out with soap, then take you back over my knee. And after that, then we will talk about last night." He said giving me five more swats to prove his point.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm myself. Wait did that mean he was planning on spanking me for my 'minor' infraction(s) last night? That's not fair! I mean I do deserve it, but still! Okay no need to panic, maybe I was just reading too far into things. Yeah that was it, no need to worry just calm down and then calmly talk to Dad and get this all behind us with no more pain on my part. I took another deep breath and let it out slowly. Then I opened my eyes and said, "Okay I'm ready to talk."

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