Chapter 6

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"Okay, so now we need to talk about what you did last night and why it was wrong," Dad said.

He then proceeded to lecture me for what felt like forever. I listened for the first little bit, but then I zoned out. I tuned back in when he said, "Now, onto your actual punishment." This part I actually had to listen to, for my own good.

"First off you are grounded for three weeks. During that time you will be either with me or one of your Grandparents at all times, except for school. After school every day you will also be helping out at the office, doing anything that needs doing around there. Then another two weeks after that where you don't have to be with one of us. You will just not be allowed to go out or have any of your electronics. Understand?"

That didn't seem too bad, I mean it wasn't going to be fun, but it could be worse. I made a face but nodded anyway.

"Now, as I said before, you are not going to be punished as hard for what happened last night. So instead of getting your entire spanking with the brush, we will just finish off with this," Dad said holding up the evil brush that Grandma had given him.

I was right, it could get worse! Now that I finally realized what Dad had in store for me, I jumped up and backed away from him, "Dad, you can't! I'm too old for that. That's how you punish children!" I exclaimed, I could believe he wanted to punish me that way, I mean yeah he had given me a couple of swats before and that was bad enough, but a full spanking was way different.

"First, yes I can, I am your father and can punish you in whichever way I think is best for you and second of all, you are acting like a child, so you will be punished like one. Stop being so naughty and none of this will be necessary, now get over here," he said pointing to the spot in front of him.

I just shook my head at him.

"Jameson now or I'm going to start counting. And every number I get to is how many more swats you are going to get, with the brush," he warned, holding up the evil brush.

At that I quickly went over to him. I had only felt the brush a couple of times, but those times were enough for me to know that the evil brush is something I want to avoid at all cost.

When I got over to him he grabbed my wrist and pulled me over his lap. I couldn't believe he was actually going through with this. I mean who still spanks their children, let alone their 17 year old? This was just crazy and really embarrassing.

He just rubbed my back to try and calm me down for a bit. I hate to admit it but it worked. The longer I lay over his lap, the more I realized that I deserved it. Dad had punished me like this when I was younger until I was 13, then he stopped, but even I have to admit it was a very effective punishment for me. Sometimes it's the only thing that would teach me not to do something so dangerous or stupid.

I was brought out of my thoughts, which I would never admit out loud to even be having, by Dads hand on the waist of my sleep pants. I was confused at what he was doing until I felt him pull them, along with my boxers, down to around my knees.

"Wait! No, Dad don't," I commanded as I tried to reach back and pull them back up. It was bad enough to be spanked over the knee, but to be bare too?

"Yes, you're getting it bare, James, that's how spanking are always done in this house," he said before swatting me five times on my thighs, "And you are in no position to be telling me what to do, little boy."

I yelped more out of surprise then pain at the swats.

"Now, why are you about to receive this spanking?" He asked as he wrapped his left arm around my waist, getting ready to start.

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